加入 1%——投资 Mick Jagger

加入 1%——投资 Mick Jagger

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Did you know Andy Warhol and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones were great buddies?


Warhol even designed the cover for the Stones’ 1971 album, 粘手指.

But I’m not writing today to tell you about a bromance between two stars.

Instead, I’m here to tell you about a piece of art that memorialized their friendship — and how you can invest in it for what could potentially be a 1,000%+ profit.

Curious? Read on…


上周, I explained why the wealthiest 1% invest in art.

对于初学者来说,它提供了多样化。 因此,即使股市崩盘,艺术品的价值也能保持增长。

此外,艺术还可以对冲通货膨胀。 在我们今天这样的通货膨胀时代,这是一个很有价值的把戏。


例如,自 1995 年以来,一项流行艺术指数的表现优于基础广泛的标准普尔 500 指数 近 3 倍。 And individual pieces — including classics from major artists like Warhol — have done far better than that.

For example, in 1989, Warhol’s 橙枪玛丽莲 was acquired for $17.3 million. In 2017, that same painting traded hands for around $200 million — for a gain of 1,156%!

也许这些好处有助于解释为什么根据莱坊全球财富报告,37% 的个人价值至少 30 万美元会收藏或拥有艺术品。


Get Ready for Freeport

At the end of my article last week, I introduced you to a soon-to-be-launched investment platform for art called Freeport.


对于它提供的每一件艺术品,Freeport 创建了一个将艺术品作为其唯一资产的商业实体。 然后在该实体中发行股票,使您能够接触到非凡(且非常昂贵)的物品,而无需自己购买整个资产。


Freeport 打算让像您这样的投资者很快能够在二级市场上出售您的股票,或者您可以持有您的股票直到实物艺术品被转售——希望能获得丰厚的利润。

Hello, Mick!

Freeport is about to launch its first offerings.

One of them will be a series of Warhol prints of Mick Jagger.

You see, in 1975, Warhol decided to create a series of ten prints of his friend. Each one depicted Jagger’s face in a different pose.

Next month, Freeport will be offering one of these prints for sale — an incredibly rare “artist proof” of what’s called FS 141. Here’s what it looks like:

As you might be able to see even from this small, digital version of the picture (the real print is 43.5″ x 29″), it features bold signatures from Warhol and Jagger. Plus, if you ask me, it also happens to be really cool.


“Shares” of this art will be priced at $22.63 each. And the minimum number of shares you can buy is 10. Accordingly, the minimum investment is about $226.


例如,不要投资超过你能承受的损失; 投资你所知道的; 并确保在潜水前将脚趾浸入水中。

此外,由于自由港还没有二级市场,它的艺术品不会是“流动的”。 这意味着它不一定能瞬间转换成现金。


But if you’re looking to invest like the 1%, art can be a great place to start!

Join the Waitlist Today


And public access to buy shares of the Jagger print opens up on May 10th.

If you haven’t done so already, we’d recommend joining Freeport’s waitlist now so you can check it out — and potentially use it to invest in art!

要加入等候名单,以便在它打开时获得第一笔优惠,请在此处免费注册 »


请注意:Crowdability 与我们报道的任何初创公司或投资平台都没有关系。 我们是初创企业和另类投资教育和研究的独立提供者.

马修·米尔纳(Matthew Milner)
马修·米尔纳(Matthew Milner)



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