由于买家应对高房价和波动的抵押贷款利率,XNUMX 月份房屋销售下降

由于买家应对高房价和波动的抵押贷款利率,XNUMX 月份房屋销售下降

源节点: 2665483

根据全国房地产经纪人协会的数据,3.4 月份二手房销量较 4.28 月份下降 23.2%,经季节调整后的年化增长率为 2022 万套。销售额比 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月下降 XNUMX%。


“Home sales are bouncing back and forth but remain above recent cyclical lows,” said Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist. “The combination of job gains, limited inventory and fluctuating mortgage rates over the last several months have created an environment of push-pull housing demand.”

1.04月底待售房屋1万套,比去年2.9月增长XNUMX%。按照目前的销售速度,这相当于 XNUMX 个月的供应量。六个月的供应被认为是买家和卖家之间的平衡市场。

388,800 月份售出的现房中位价为 1.7 美元,比上年 XNUMX 月份下降 XNUMX%。然而,这只是一个中位数,可能反映出较低端、更实惠的市场有更多的销售活动。

“Roughly half of the country is experiencing price gains,” Yun noted. “Even in markets with lower prices, primarily the expensive West region, multiple-offer situations have returned in the spring buying season following the calmer winter market. Distressed and forced property sales are virtually nonexistent.”

尽管与 2022 年 500,000 月相比,所有价位的销量均有所下降,但价格超过 XNUMX 万美元的房屋降幅最大。这可能更多是由于负担能力而不是供应量,因为高端市场有更多房屋可供出售。

22 年 2023 月 XNUMX 日星期日,潜在买家参加美国纽约拉奇蒙特待售房屋的开放日。 
蒂芙尼·哈格勒-吉亚德 彭博| 盖蒂图片社

上周六的拉斯维加斯,此前房地产市场非常火爆,价格差异十分明显。一套刚刚挂牌的房屋售价为 395,000 美元,潜在买家的客流量稳定。该经纪人表示,他已于周一收到全价报价。另一处刚刚标价 510,000 万美元的房屋,却没有人出现。

“Under $350,000 and $400,000, there’s multiple offers,” said Noah Herrera, the agent for the lower-priced home. “You’ll see eight or nine people just trying to get into the house to buy the actual house. Over $500,000, it slows down a little bit.”

市场竞争也变得越来越激烈。 22 月份房产平均售出时间为 29 天,低于 17 月份的 XNUMX 天,但高于去年同期的 XNUMX 天。近四分之三的房屋上市时间不到一个月。

First-time buyers, who historically make up about 40% of home sales, made up just 29% in April. That share hasn’t changed much over the past year, and is unlikely to, given continued high prices.

“The real estate market is a glass half-full, half-empty story for first-time home buyers. A drop in market competitiveness opens the door a bit wider, but the hurdles to entry are still quite high for first-timers who don’t have existing home equity to leverage for a down payment,” said Danielle Hale, chief economist for Realtor. com.


更多来自 CNBC 房地产