第 367 集:塑料陈词滥调,碳捕获批评 | 绿色商务

第 367 集:塑料陈词滥调,碳捕获批评 | 绿色商务

源节点: 2710215

本周的运行时间是 1:02。

在我们心中 (10:00)

GreenBiz 联合创始人兼董事长 Joel Makower 和 GreenBiz 编辑总监 Heather Clancy 共同主持,讨论以下故事:

来自循环的嗡嗡声 23 (19:05)

Close to 1,400 circular economy professionals gathered last week at Circularity 23, where one topic on everyone’s list was negotiations for a Global Plastics Treaty that will shape production and recycling strategies long into the future. Estimates by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development suggest it could take investments of $3.4 trillion to fully make a transition away from petro-plastics, and the associated environmental impacts. The business sector has an unprecedented opportunity to shape how the framework that will build that shift. Several mainstage speakers addressed the implications for businesses including:

  • Erin Simon, vice president for plastic waste and business at World Wildlife Fund — On why, even if your company isn’t in “plastics,” the treaty will have a ripple effect.
  • 美国国务院外交办公室利兹·尼科尔斯 (Liz Nichols) — 探讨私营部门如何利用现有投资来加速行动。
  • Jo and Joy Banner, co-founders and co-directors of The Descendants Project — On why we should “stop giving fossil fuels a lifeline.” 
  • Plus a final reminder from Jo Banner — How companies deliver their products isn’t the value of the product. Plus, why environmental justice needs to be part of the solution.
海洋碳捕获的未知连锁反应 (40:15)

2023 年上半年,与海洋碳捕获潜力相关的气候技术资助公告不断增多。但考虑到我们对这一技术政策组的潜在影响知之甚少,Carbon 180 敦促更多公司和政府谨慎行事。 Carbon 180 的科学与创新管理顾问陈四方揭示了其中的含义。


Lee Rosevere: “And So Then,” “4th Ave. Walkup,” “Let That Sink In.”
Coma Studio:“软节拍”。


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