Enveedo 完成 3.15 万美元种子轮融资,帮助企业建立和维护网络弹性

Enveedo 完成 3.15 万美元种子轮融资,帮助企业建立和维护网络弹性

源节点: 2995603


MIAMI, Dec. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — 恩维多一家采用创新的综合风险管理方法的网络安全公司今天宣布完成了由总部位于德克萨斯州奥斯汀的著名风险投资公司 Silverton Partners 领投的 3.15 万美元种子轮融资。 Runtime Ventures 和 Blu Ventures 也参与了本轮融资,这两家公司都专注于网络安全行业,除了资金之外,还贡献了相关的运营经验。

The fresh capital will enable Enveedo to accelerate product innovation, attract top talent, and expand the market presence of the company’s all-in-one SaaS platform that enables organizations to affordably and seamlessly build and maintain cyber resiliency.

Enveedo’s integrated risk management platform guides Security and IT professionals through the process of building their security program. It starts by establishing leadership buy-in, identifying critical assets, and assessing risks using a growing library of API integrations. The platform then provides a tailored strategic roadmap with detailed recommendations and robust reporting. It enables all businesses – especially those with limited resources, capabilities, or expertise – to plan, execute, and continuously evolve an enterprise-grade cybersecurity strategy based on an understanding of their risk posture.

Luciano Salata, CEO of Enveedo, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “This investment from three prestigious VCs with deep knowledge of cybersecurity is a strong validation of our vision and hard work. With this support, we are poised to accelerate our growth and continue to innovate, improving cyber resiliency for businesses that are in desperate need of help and guidance to protect their crown jewels.”

Kip McClanahan, General Partner at Silverton, also shared his thoughts on the investment, saying, “Silverton is thrilled to partner with and support the Enveedo team as they accelerate their growth. What resonated with me is how quickly Enveedo can help customers comprehensively define a CISO-level playbook for identifying and protecting what’s most important to the business.  Enveedo’s automated workflow then guides their customers along a step-by-step roadmap for achieving their security goals. For businesses operating in today’s dynamic threat landscape, Enveedo’s product is timely and very impactful.”

To learn more about Enveedo’s industry-leading Cyber Risk Management Platform, visit enveedo.com.


Enveedo 是一家总部位于迈阿密的网络安全公司,成立于 2021 年 XNUMX 月。其网络风险管理平台是一种创新的综合风险管理方法。该一体化平台是一种力量倍增器,使 IT 和安全专业人员能够规划、执行和发展网络安全策略,持续防御新兴的网络威胁。欲了解更多信息,请访问 https://www.enveedo.com/.

关于Silverton Partners

Silverton Partners invests in entrepreneurs who are dedicated to tackling growth markets and building lasting companies. In partnering with Silverton, companies benefit from its vast network and expertise from decades of growing and investing in successful businesses. Silverton Partners is based in Austin, TX, and was the initial institutional investor for AlertMedia, Apprentice, Billie, Convio, SailPoint, Silicon Labs, Storable, Self Financial, SpyCloud, TrendKite, TurnKey Vacation Rentals, Wheel, WP Engine and The Zebra among others. Silverton Partners is Texas’s most active early-stage investment group with seven funds and over $640 million assets under management.  For more information, visit https://www.silvertonpartners.com/.

消息来源 Enveedo, Inc.


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