2023 年 3 月编辑推荐:BMW XNUMX 系及更多豪华运动轿车

2023 年 3 月编辑推荐:BMW XNUMX 系及更多豪华运动轿车

源节点: 2756517

这个月有很多奢侈品 运动轿车 gain Editors’ Pick status thanks to updated or recently-all-new models coming out. The 宝马 3系列是长期以来的最爱,也是如此 阿尔法·罗密欧·朱莉娅 在此刻。就像电动版一样 G80, though, the gasoline version is also an Editors’ Pick this month.

万一您错过了我们 以前的编辑精选帖子,这里快速回顾一下这里发生的事情。我们对所有的 新的汽车 我们以 1-10 的成绩开球。在各自细分市场中堪称典范的汽车将获得“编辑精选”称号。这些是我们推荐给我们的朋友、家人和任何好奇并提出问题的人的。您将在下面找到的列表包含我们在五月份评级并获得编辑精选的每辆汽车。

2023 BMW 3系列

快速采取: The 3 Series may not be the standard anymore, but it’s still a superb luxury sport sedan with powerful engines, great handling, impressive tech and tons of space.

得分了: 7.5

它与什么竞争: 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰C级, 奥迪A4阿尔法·罗密欧·朱莉娅凯迪拉克CT4ura歌TLX雷克萨斯IS英菲尼迪Q50创世纪G70沃尔沃S60

优点: 令人愉快且强大的引擎;有趣的操控;后座和货物区空间宽敞;内外都具有吸引力的设计

缺点: Infotainment is frustrating to use sometimes; value isn’t the best


Road Test Editor Zac Palmer — “The 3 Series ticks all the boxes that a top-shelf luxury sport sedan should. It’s attractive but not gaudy. The driving dynamics leave me grinning at the end of a fun road, but don’t beat me up on the highway. Any and all modern tech is present and accounted for. And while the price is high, it’s not so bad for what you get. I’m an especially big fan of the M340i with its inline-six, but the four-cylinder in the 330i is an excellent option if you don’t want to spend as much.”

深入分析: 2023 年宝马 3 系获得全新造型和信息娱乐系统



快速采取: The G80 has looks to kill, and it backs that design up with a functional and also-gorgeous interior. There’s a lot of value to be had with this nice-to-drive 豪华轿车.

得分了: 7.5

它与什么竞争: 宝马5系列奥迪A6, 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰E级, 雷克萨斯ES,

优点: 内外设计精美;易于使用且技术精湛;乘坐舒适;坚固的发动机

缺点: Sport Prestige 可以更运动一些;更大的轮子会伤害骑行


Road Test Editor Zac Palmer — “The G80 is a shining light in this mid-size luxury sedan class. It can be proper fun if you get the Sport Prestige trim, but you could also opt for the four-cylinder and drive away with a super value. I don’t think there’s a better-looking option among other luxury sedans, and its only weaknesses are minor quibbles. Don’t worry about the badge on the front, and go enjoy one of the best luxury sedans money can buy.”

深入分析: 2022 Genesis G80 Sport Prestige 路试 |比体育更重要的声望



快速采取: There’s no luxury sport sedan more satisfying to drive than the 朱利亚,虽然信息娱乐落后,但外观和驱动力足以强烈推荐它。

得分了: 7

它与什么竞争: 梅赛德斯 - 奔驰C级, 奥迪A4, 宝马3系列凯迪拉克CT4ura歌TLX雷克萨斯IS英菲尼迪Q50创世纪G70沃尔沃S60

优点: 比竞争对手驾驶得更好;设计出色;多种性能选择

缺点: 信息娱乐有点粗糙和缓慢;小后座


Road Test Editor Zac Palmer — “Even if it isn’t the most sensible choice, the Giulia is always going to be a recommended buy from me. Nothing else drives as well or is as fun in this class, and that applies to the lowliest base trim all the way up to the Giulia Quadrifoglio. The design is simply timeless, and while the infotainment is quite bad, that’s something I can overlook for how good the rest of this package is.”

Senior Editor James Riswick — “The steering is just incredible, one of the main reasons I find the Giulia so desirable. It’s quick and feelsome with a terrific wheel to grip. No complaints about the 280 horsepower and 306 pound-feet of torque from the Lusso’s 2.0-liter turbo-four, but the character leaves a lot to be desired, with a growly tone that hardly speaks to a zesty Italian character. It would be very hard to take the Giulia for a drive on a proper road and then turn around and buy something else.”

深入分析: 关于阿尔法罗密欧 Giulia Lusso 的 9 个想法


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