EA FC:我们需要在 Ultimate Team 中看到的七个功能

EA FC:我们需要在 Ultimate Team 中看到的七个功能

源节点: 2598978

EA Sports 和 FIFA 在《FIFA 23》之后分道扬镳,为 EA FC Ultimate Team 的重大创新打开了大门!

FUT 社区一直要求进行大量的更改和新功能,如果 EA 接受这些,那么他们可以赢得粉丝的尊重。


看看我们 EAFC 终极团队 下面列出了新功能愿望清单,看看您是否同意这些建议。


许多人的主要烦恼 终极团队 如果对手退出,玩家就不会获得任何东西。

无论是友谊赛还是 FUT冠军, if the match is a draw and your opposition chooses to call it a day for whatever reason - but usually because they are fearing a loss - it doesn't count as a win for the player willing to see the match out.

梅西《FIFA 23》愤怒
STOP IT! - Opponents quitting has caused much anger in FIFA 23


By introducing a feature where a player gets the win if their opponent quits, no matter what the stage or score of the game, would please many fans, as it wouldn't feel such a waste of time when it does happen and should also crack down on people quitting so much.

3 分钟半场

如果 EA 继续推出要求您在 EA FC Ultimate Team 中参加小队战斗的目标,则需要引入 3 分钟半场。


小维尼修斯 FIFA 23
SPEED IT UP - We want to rush through Squad Battles as quickly as possible


如果EA想让我们打20场Squad Battles比赛,至少给我们机会把比赛改为3分钟半场!


This is a minor feature that could be implemented, but it's one that the FUT community is always asking for.

A 'Claim All' option for rewards on completed objectives doesn't seem a big ask, and it will save a bit of time compared to claiming each one by one.

Come on EA, we're not asking for much here, we must see it in EA FC Ultimate Team!


EA已经做出了 本周最佳球队的变化 在《FIFA 23 Ultimate Team》中,但通常仍然感觉非常平淡。


也许在 EA FC Ultimate Team 活动开始时,TOTW 卡应该只进行一次状态升级,但随后每隔一个赛季都会增加一次。


哈兰德《FIFA 23》
GOAL MACHINE - Haaland has been on fire, yet the TOTW cards haven't come

他们在奖励顶级球员和 那些观看 包含 TOTW 的项目。


这不仅会增加对 TOTW 的炒作,还会增加整个赛季活跃的值得关注的卡牌。


我们怀疑这种情况是否会发生,但多年来我们一直遇到 Ultimate Team 中重复卡牌存储系统的问题。



在重复的不可交易卡牌存储部分中可以存储的卡牌数量应该是有限制的,但是在发布合适的 SBC 之前有地方放置您的高评价素材将是 EA FC 中的一个令人惊叹的内容。


No, we've not lost out minds here when we ask about infinite rewards, and it is actually something that has been included in MLB显示23.

在 FUT 赛季结束之前,大量玩家就已经积累了足够的 XP 来获得 30 级奖励,因此接下来就可以无缘无故地获得更多 XP。

MLB The Show 23 钻石王朝无限奖励
INFINITE REWARDS - Make that extra XP worth something

To fix this in MLB's Ultimate Team equivalent 钻石王朝,一旦您获得了本赛季的最终大奖励,您的 XP 就会进入无限循环溢出状态,如上图所示。

每次您获得足够的 XP 来完成循环时,您都会获得额外的奖励,这些奖励可能是 EA FC Ultimate Team 中的随机包。


FIFA 23 引入了 化学返工, which we think has been great - in general!


Although this lets us include cards in our starting lineup that don't fit with the rest of the side, we think that it should come with some hindrance.



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