随着越来越多的行业转向 Web3,德勤开始涉足沉浸式体验

随着越来越多的行业转向 Web3,德勤开始涉足沉浸式体验

源节点: 2526573


德勤在 XNUMX 月下旬宣布与虚拟空间公司 Vatom 建立合作伙伴关系,为各个行业提供身临其境的体验,从寻求通过虚拟现实促进文化的公司到专注于建立社区参与的品牌。 两家公司共同声称能够提供同时在同一个虚拟空间中同时接待数千人的能力,以及跨链钱包和访问数字资产集合的权限以及他们元宇宙体验的代币。

地下训练——虚拟现实。 资料来源:德勤

然而,隐藏的目标是为公司提供有关用户的基础数据。 “影响所有行业公司的一个主要趋势是第三方数据的可访问性下降,”德勤数字公司董事总经理 Khusro Khalid 告诉 Cointelegraph。

According to Khalid, firms that rely on knowing and connecting with customers are looking to replace third-party data and cut customer acquisition costs. “Given the customizable nature of the product, companies can leverage a host of Web3 tools, including virtual spaces, Programmable Digital Objects, a cross-chain universal Wallet, POS redemption, token gating, and loyalty points, among other features, for a diversity of business applications,” he said.

Deloitte envisioned a variety of metaverse tools for companies. Virtual spaces offer companies a way to “not only gather global team members together for events and meetings but also provide gamified tools that enable more engaging and interactive employee training,” he noted.

3D 资产生成 – Omniverse。 资料来源:德勤

Other examples include digital twins for real estate, providing prospective buyers an immersive tour of a property without ever leaving their homes. “In each of these instances, virtual spaces not only create a direct channel for engagement, but also a simple way to gain valuable first and zero-party data from those engaging in the virtual spaces — helping to inform future efforts and strategies,” explained Khalil.

虚拟现实体验吸引了世界各地公司数十亿美元的投资。 21.6年全球沉浸式技术市场规模为2021亿美元,预计到134.18年将达到2030亿美元左右。 根据 优先研究的报告。

英伟达、高通、谷歌、Facebook 所有者 Meta 和微软等科技巨头已经披露了与元宇宙相关的举措。元宇宙业务中运营的去中心化和基于区块链的平台包括 Decentraland、The Sandbox、Axie Infinity、Metahero 和 Star Atlas 等。

Vatom 创始人兼首席执行官埃里克·普利尔 (Eric Pulier) 认为,虚拟宇宙是未来的互联网,因此,任何企业都不会受到沉浸式体验的影响:

“Web3 represents the next iteration of the internet. In the same way that there is no company or industry that does not use the internet as a tool of engagement, there is no sector of business that can not benefit from more effectively engaging their target audiences at scale with Web3.”


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