

源节点: 2627725

波兰将要建设的新机场 Centralny Port Komunikacyjny (CPK) 是一个综合性多式联运项目,以三大支柱为基础:机场枢纽、新铁路网络和机场城市。作为一项战略性基础设施投资,CPK 将整合航空、铁路和公路运输,连接中东欧 (CEE) 近 180 亿居民。

CPK铁路投资包括建设约2,000公里的新高速铁路线和多个横向项目。它们将在波兰主要城市之间创造无缝、快速和可互操作的旅行,并改善中东欧地区的连通性,使其在短途航班中更具竞争力。 CPK还将显着提升该地区的货运能力,在改善中东欧地区的互联互通和促进经济增长方面发挥至关重要的作用。

“CPK不仅是波兰的战略基础设施项目,也是中东欧地区的主要整合者。我们相信,CPK项目以其多模式的特点,将显着促进中东欧地区的互联互通,特别是南北轴线上的互联互通。与波罗的海铁路、捷克高铁计划和 V-4 高铁项目等区域举措一起,CPK 将在整个地区提供一个全新的、密集的、可互操作的交通网络。” - 说过 米科拉杰·野生,Centralny Port Komunikacyjny 首席执行官。 “这意味着柬埔寨共产党并不是唯一在努力的人。通过与这些姊妹项目进行各个层面的合作,CPK 已经成为一项跨境举措,将使中东欧地区更加紧密地联系在一起。” 他加了.


The new CPK railway lines have been designed to accommodate both passenger and freight traffic. The passenger traffic will be served by high-speed trains while the freight trains will transport freight, for which speed and reliability are critical factors. To ensure efficient and reliable freight transport, CPK is prioritising intermodal trains, particularly shuttle trains that operate on a fixed timetable at guaranteed time slots. This approach will provide greater flexibility for freight operators, while also ensuring that passenger services run on time and at high speed. The integration of both passenger and freight services will lead to a more sustainable and cost-effective transport system in the CEE region.

我们认为,沿着 CPK 铁路基础设施规划多式联运码头的位置对于进一步发展多式联运市场和实现气候目标至关重要。这些航站楼将设计用于服务 750 m 长的火车,并提供与铁路和公路网络的良好连接,确保多式联运单元(集装箱和半挂车)的无缝和高效运输。 CPK 终端应作为一个综合网络运行。私人码头运营商将被要求确保一致和高质量的服务,“说 米科拉伊野生。

Upon completion, the CPK’s fast, frequent, and seamless railway infrastructure will comprehensively address numerous mobility needs in the region. It will deliver a direct connection to the CPK Airport from every major city in Poland via a high-speed rail network, linking the country’s largest cities with a travel time of under 2,5 hours. Finally, CPK will serve as a gateway to Eastern Europe, offering international routes covering the whole of Central and Eastern Europe and connecting Polish railways with neighbouring countries.


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