币安宣布新的不可替代代币(NFT)借贷计划,币安 NFT 贷款 - The Daily Hodl

币安宣布新的不可替代代币 (NFT) 借贷计划,币安 NFT 贷款 – The Daily Hodl

源节点: 2676882


According to a new Binance announcement, the platform will offer zero gas fees and the ability to borrow Ethereum (ETH) without the need to sell assets.

The loan feature 目标 to cater to those who want quick access to funds but don’t want to part with their NFTs. It uses what Binance calls a “Peer to Pool” mechanism with Binance NFT acting as a loan pool, and the amount of ETH that users can borrow depends on the floor price of their NFTs. Data for the system comes from multiple sources, including oracle service Chainlink (友情链接) and NFT marketplace OpenSea.

At time of writing, Binance’s NFT Loan feature 支持 just four well-known collections, but more are expected to roll out soon.


“这项创新功能最初仅适用于 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)、Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC)、Azuki 和 Doodles 等知名 NFT 项目,它向币安 NFT 社区介绍了去中心化金融 (DeFi) 的优势。预计在不久的将来会增加更多的收藏。”

Binance launched its NFT platform in June of 2021 and has steadily been adding features ever since. In March, the crypto exchange 推出 a beta version of an artificial intelligence-based NFT image generator called “Bicasso.”

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特色图片:Shutterstock/Juan Manuel Rodriguez/WindAwake


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