澳大利亚薪酬银行初创公司 Waave 融资 4.7 万澳元

澳大利亚薪酬银行初创公司 Waave 融资 4.7 万澳元

源节点: 2596148

Waave 是一家提供账户到账户支付服务的澳大利亚开放银行初创公司,已完成 4.7 万美元的种子轮融资,由 Menulog 董事总经理 Morten Belling 和电子商务投资者 Paul Greenberg 支持

Waave 由 Ben Zyl、Mark Connolly 和 Peter Traianou 创立,他们在 PayPal、AfterPay、NAB 和 Adyen 等公司拥有数十年的工作经验。Waave 正在营销其 Pay by Bank 技术,作为传统信用卡的更便宜的替代品。

Co-founder Ben Zyl, says: “We believe the payment industry is archaic and the way we pay today is clunky and outdated. People have become complacent with card dominance – businesses shouldn’t be paying exorbitant fees to receive payments, and customers should have full control and visibility over their money. We’re here to drive change by bringing back the connection between consumers and businesses,”

Waave Pay by Bank 收取 28 美分的固定交易费,该公司声称这比银行卡支付便宜 80% 以上,同时提供即时授权、更快的资金结算,并且不收取任何拒付费用或退款。它适用于所有澳大利亚银行,引导客户完成一次性注册流程,使他们能够连接到银行并在网上和店内进行付款。



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