《Apex 英雄》导管能力分解

《Apex 英雄》导管能力分解

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Thanks to the Apex Legends Ignite gameplay trailer, players now see what kind of character Conduit is on the battleground. Being a support Legend while prioritizing healing shields, here are all the Apex Legends Conduit abilities that gamers need to know about before playing the new legend.

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Conduit Abilites Apex Legends

Passive: Savior’s Speed – Gives Conduit a speed boost when running toward allies out of Tactical range

Tactical: Radiant Transfer – Sends out temporary shield teammates while also receiving a similar buff. Shield regen is paused if the player takes damage.

终极:能量路障 – Conduit deploys 7 shield-jamming devices that damage and slow enemies 10 ticks per second when they’re in the pulse range. The devices are destroyable.

What’s Conduits Backstory In Apex Legends

距离最后一位传奇登陆战场已经过去了两个赛季。 管道摄像头与外域故事动画预告片一起揭晓。 在预告片中,君主泰坦从入侵的离子部队手中拯救了她的城镇和家人,而该机甲的无名飞行员则牺牲了自己的生命来消灭敌人。 总结一下,她自己参与 Apex Games 是一名粉丝,为了养家糊口,她自己参加比赛。 当然,那是在她获得特殊能力之后。

“作为一个乐观的小巨人,Conduit 证明了伟大源于内心。 受到曾经拯救她生命的英雄的启发,康杜特用自己的未来换取了成为 Apex 英雄并养家糊口的机会。


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