

源节点: 1952675

科技巨头亚马逊宣布其首次涉足可持续农业取得成功,并于昨天证实,它现在销售的生菜与传统农产品相比,用水量减少了 92%,化肥用量减少了 55%。

The lettuces are the fruits of Amazon's collaboration with climate-tech start-up Hippo Harvest, which the retailer invested in through its Climate Pledge Fund in 2021.

Hippo Harvest 使用机器人技术和温室种植生菜,旨在减少水和肥料投入、减少食物浪费并降低土地使用要求。 该方法还旨在确保温室靠近市场,以进一步减少运输排放。

新的低影响生菜现在可供 Amazon Fresh 在线客户在特定的旧金山市场购买。

亚马逊表示,其对 Hippo Harvest 的投资帮助该公司从一家小型初创企业发展为一家商业规模的企业,现在可以满足消费者对可持续农产品不断增长的需求。

Hippo Harvest 最近还签署了气候承诺,这是亚马逊支持的倡议,呼吁企业设定到 2040 年实现净零排放的目标。

Kara Hurst, vice president of worldwide sustainability at Amazon, said urgent action was needed to help make agriculture more resilient to escalating climate impacts. "Climate change is already impacting how we eat," she said. "As water continues to disappear from our agricultural communities, we need solutions that give farmers the ability to make the best use of our natural resources and ensure everyone has access to fresh produce.

"Amazon's collaboration with Hippo Harvest is another step forward in our work to support transformative green technologies while also providing our customers with a broader array of grocery options."

Hippo Harvest 使用闭环直接施肥系统和机器学习来计算生产高产作物所需的最佳水量、肥料和光照量。


Moreover, Hippo Harvest's greenhouses can be located close to consumers - even in areas with little water or farmland.

Amazon suggested its new greenhouse - which is located in California - will serve as a test case for how local agricultural communities can adapt to the state's daunting combination of water stress and more intense rainstorms.


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