
Litentry 在币安上推出众贷奖励计划并提供诱人的奖励池

Litentry, a decentralized identity aggregation protocol, officially launched its 众贷奖励计划 十一月4,2021。


This represents a significant development in Litentry’s quest to win a slot ahead of the upcoming Polkadot parachain auction. Join the crowdloan on Binance now to enjoy 20% LIT (20,000,000 LIT) total supply with an extra $2.5M reward pool, and with approx. APY 2,760% (as of Nov 4).

An innovative crowdloan program

众贷是一种日益增长的趋势,项目为了获得足够的资金来参与 Polkadot 的平行链拍卖。参与者通过在指定期限内将 DOT 存入存储在区块链上的众贷金库中来做出贡献。 


Compared to other projects, Litentry has designed an innovative crowdloan system that incentivizes contributors. To this effect, Litentry has allocated 20,000,000 LIT tokens representing 20% of its token supply as basic rewards for the crowdloan campaign. Interested participants have until December 17, 2021, to lock their tokens in the crowdloan pool.

The pool has a hard cap of 8,000,000 DOT, which none of its slot 1 competitors have. This hard cap would make sure the DOT rewards each participant gets will not be diluted after the staking DOTs reaches a safe winning amount.

贡献者需要在众贷质押池中质押至少 5 个 DOT 才有资格获得奖励。质押池将锁定 96 周,一旦 Litentry 平行链连接到 Polkadot 中继链,奖励分配就会开始。 

Litentry will be rewarding participants a minimum of 12.5 LIT tokens for every 5 DOT staked. Contributors can also get an additional 10% bonus by staking their tokens before the parachain auction or a 5% bonus during the first seven days of the parachain auction. Also, there will be an extra 10% identity-related bonus which will be announced soon. 给予支持者总奖励为 LIT 供应量的 24%。

参与者可以质押 Binance now to enjoy a Warm-Up promotion 1-week Warm-Up promotion will receive an extra pool of 500,000 LIT 加上流动性 BDOT.

Litentry has also partnered with DEFI 防水台 高跟鞋 位霜平行金融 to provide lending options for crowdloan contributors. Users can contribute to the Litentry crowdloan pool from both platforms and receive rewards in LIT tokens + liquidity DOT derivatives.

Polkadot Parachain auction is huge for the Litentry ecosystem

Litentry is a privacy-Preserved DID Aggregator that serves unique functions in the ecosystem & provides liquidity, interoperability, and consistency for the multi-chain identity data. Becoming a Parachain maximizes the efficiency of sharing identity data between Litentry and other Parachain projects. 

With an aggregated cross-chain identity, blockchain projects will be able to offer dedicated graded identity services to power next-generated Web 3.0 services. For example, Litentry can be deployed and used to calculate an individual’s credit rating to facilitate analyzed DEFI 服务。

With all the on-chain activities data aggregated by Litentry on individual addresses, users can generate proof in a decentralized manner by submitting the addresses for activities like IDO/airdrop whitelisting. 

Litentry 的潜力是无穷无尽的,用户可以通过将 DOT 投入众贷池来成为这一创新协议的一部分。此外,96 周的质押期对于贡献者来说也是一项出色的长期投资,他们将从 DOT 代币中产生价值,并获得 LIT 代币作为其质押的奖励。 


Litentry 是一种跨多个网络运行的去中心化身份聚合协议。它具有 DID 索引机制和基于基质的信用计算网络。 Litentry 还提供了去中心化、可互操作的身份聚合服务,降低了解决不可知 DID 机制的难度。 

Litentry 开发了一个创新的生态系统,用户可以通过该生态系统管理自己的身份,并且 dApp 可以跨多个区块链获取身份所有者的实时信用/声誉。 

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