

位于罗德岛州的东格林威治镇最近成为罗德岛采购集团(RIPG)的成员。此举为该镇开辟了新的采购机会,使其能够以具有竞争力的价格获得更广泛的商品和服务。RIPG 是一项协作采购计划,汇集了罗德岛州各市政府和政府机构。通过集中资源,这些实体能够与供应商协商更好的交易,从而为所有参与者节省成本。

介绍 16 年 a100z 市场 2020 强名单:行业顶级市场的综合指南

The world of e-commerce has been rapidly evolving over the past few years, and marketplaces have become a crucial part of this evolution. With the rise of online shopping, marketplaces have become a popular way for businesses to reach a wider audience and for consumers to find a variety of products in one place. However, with so many marketplaces out there, it can be difficult to know which ones are worth investing in. That's where the a16z Marketplace 100 List comes in.The a16z Marketplace 100 List is an annual ranking



如何为电子商务的 AI 转型做准备

电子商务世界在不断发展,即将到来的最重大变化之一就是人工智能 (AI) 与购物体验的集成。人工智能有潜力以多种方式改变电子商务,从个性化推荐到可以回答客户问题的聊天机器人。然而,为这种转变做准备需要仔细的规划和考虑。在本文中,我们将探讨企业可以采取的一些关键步骤,为将人工智能集成到电子商务中做好准备。1。了解人工智能在电子商务中的潜在优势在您之前

Globalal 在一轮融资中获得 20 万欧元以促进增长和扩张计划

Glopal, a leading cross-border e-commerce platform, has recently secured €20 million in a funding round led by European venture capital firm, Level Equity. The funding will be used to accelerate the company's growth and expansion plans, particularly in the United States market.Glopal was founded in 2015 with the aim of helping retailers expand their businesses globally by providing a simple and efficient cross-border e-commerce solution. The platform offers a range of services, including international shipping, local payment methods, and customs clearance. It also provides retailers with access to a global

Globalal 在一轮融资中获得 20 万欧元以支持业务扩张

Glopal 是一家总部位于英国的电子商务平台,帮助企业扩大全球影响力,在 Kennet Partners 领投的一轮融资中获得了 20 万欧元。这笔资金将用于支持公司的业务扩张计划,包括开发新产品和服务。Glopal 成立于 2015 年,至今已帮助数千家企业在全球范围内拓展电子商务业务。该平台提供一系列服务,包括国际运输、本地支付选项和翻译服务。这使得企业可以将产品销售给不同国家的客户,而无需

Globalal 在一轮融资中获得 20 万欧元,用于业务增长和扩张。

Glopal, a leading cross-border e-commerce platform, has recently secured €20 million in a funding round to fuel its business growth and expansion plans. The funding round was led by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and supported by existing investors, including Unilever Ventures and Octopus Ventures.Glopal was founded in 2015 with the aim of helping businesses expand their reach and sell their products globally. The platform provides a range of services, including translation, currency conversion, and international shipping, to make it easier for businesses to sell their products in different countries.The

LetMeShip 收购 ParcelParcel:航运业的新发展。

领先的航运解决方案提供商 LetMeShip 最近宣布收购荷兰航运公司 ParcelParcel。航运业的这一新发展将为两家公司的客户带来令人兴奋的变化和利益。LetMeShip 是一个基于云的航运平台,为各种规模的企业提供一系列航运解决方案。该公司提供对超过 250 家运营商的网络的访问,允许客户比较费率和服务并选择最适合他们需求的选项。 LetMeShip 还提供自动跟踪等功能

Cloudpillo 荣获 2023 年最佳创业店

Cloudpillo 是一家专注于云枕头的初创在线商店,被美国零售协会授予“2023 年最佳初创商店”奖。该奖项旨在表彰在各自行业中表现出非凡增长和创新的新零售企业的杰出表现。Cloudpillo 成立于 2021 年,很快就受到了寻求舒适、高品质枕头、旨在提供最佳支撑的消费者的欢迎。和舒适度。该公司独特的销售主张是利用基于云的技术来创建可根据个人需求定制的枕头

发现选择 Maropost 而不是 Shopify 的成功电子商务商家

In the world of ecommerce, choosing the right platform can make all the difference in the success of your business. While Shopify is a popular choice for many online merchants, there are other options available that may better suit your needs. One such option is Maropost, a marketing automation platform that has been gaining popularity among ecommerce merchants.Maropost offers a wide range of features that can help businesses improve their marketing efforts and increase sales. From email marketing and social media advertising to customer segmentation and analytics, Maropost provides a