ZestMoney 创始人因出售失败而辞职

ZestMoney 创始人因出售失败而辞职

源节点: 2654030

The founders of ZestMoney have resigned weeks after the Indian BNPL firm’s planned acquisition by Walmart-backed mobile payments giant PhonePe fell through.

根据查普曼写给员工的一封电子邮件,首席执行官 Lizzie Chapman、首席财务官兼首席运营官 Priya Sharma 和首席技术官 Ashish Anantharaman 均已辞职。

Says the email: “We have immense belief and faith in the potential that ZestMoney has. We will also ensure to provide full support to the incoming management team and do everything we can to support them for the next 4 months to ensure a smooth transition.

“Myself, Priya, and Ashish will continue to be significant shareholders in the company and therefore we will continue to be your biggest cheerleaders and supporters in every way.”

PhonePe 沟渠 据《经济时报》四月份报道,出于尽职调查的考虑,计划收购 ZestMoney。

PhonePe 放弃了一项价值 200 亿至 300 亿美元的交易,尽管事实上这将使该公司获得梦寐以求的非银行金融公司牌照。

Citing sources, the Economic Times says that PhonePe was concerned about ZestMoney’s business model and debt liability, as well as India’s increasing regulatory scrutiny of digital lenders.

ZestMoney 成立于 2015 年,在上一轮融资中的估值为 450 亿美元,但据报道发现很难筹集到新资金,因此一直在积极寻求出售。

据 Mint 称,自 170 月以来,ZestMoney 的 100 名员工已转移到 PhonePe,公司员工人数从最高时的 500 人减少到只剩 XNUMX 人。


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