Payday 3'te C-Stacks nasıl edinilir

Payday 3'te C-Stacks nasıl edinilir

Kaynak Düğüm: 2898858

Cold hard cash and jewelry may be your preferred tender in Payday games, but times have changed. In Payday 3, you can spend an alternative currency called C-Stacks. Is this the Payday version of cryptocurrency? Honestly, I’m not sure, but what I do know is that several items from the vendors can’t be purchased the conventional way. For those items, you’ll need to part with your hard-earned C-Stacks, so here’s how to get C-Stacks in Payday 3.

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Payday 3'te C-Stacks nasıl edinilir

C-Stacks can be obtained in two ways. One is through specific challenges, and the other is through currency conversion. Let’s go over the former first.

How to convert cash into C-Stacks

Payday 3'te C-Stacks nasıl edinilir

Resim: Bilgisayar İstilası

The most straightforward method of acquiring C-Stacks is to trade your mountains of dollars for them. You can convert dollars into C-Stacks through the Vendors menu and by selecting Setaggi: Currency Broker. This seller gives you three choices. You can either pay for 1 C-Stack at a time or go for bundles of 5 or 10.

Conversion may sound like the easiest way to get C-Stacks, but there’s a catch. C-Stacks are expensive, and repeat purchases increase the price. For example, 10 C-Stacks are usually $90,000. After purchasing your first 10, that price skyrockets to $225,000! I’ll let you do the math, but that sure smells like getting ripped off.

How to earn C-Stacks

Payday 3'te C-Stacks nasıl edinilir

Resim: Bilgisayar İstilası

If you don’t like the idea of your wallet being assaulted, you can also obtain C-Stacks by completing specific challenges. Select the Challenges tab, then choose Kariyer. Every challenge has a completion reward next to it, and many on this menu grant C-Stacks. You’ll notice that most of these can’t be instantly completed like the Heist or Combat challenges. Career challenges are often progression milestones you’ll eventually reach as you conduct heists.

What can I buy with C-Stacks?

You have plenty of weapons, equipment, and cosmetics available with good old-fashioned cash, but some require C-Stacks instead. If you scroll down through each item list, you’ll find a few things that need C-Stacks, including several weapons. These weapons are notable as they come with a few pre-installed attachments.

Even if you’ve no intention of using them, the collector in you may have other ideas. Whether you go specifically for C-Stacks through challenges or suffer the conversion fee, you’ll need this currency to earn everything in Payday 3.

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