
Key Timing for Adoption? Crypto Goes Mainstream With TV, Newspaper Ads

Amid turbulent times for the world at large, the cryptocurrency space seems to be cruising on its own steam in 2020. The coronavirus pandemic has put a major strain on economies around the world, and countries such as the United States have seen their central banks resort to extended quantitative easing in order to stimulate their financial ecosystems.Some analysts believe that this continual fiscal stimulus is part of the reason that the cryptocurrency market is enjoying relative success compared with its traditional financial counterparts.The likes of Anthony Pompliano, co-founder of

All Aboard the Bitcoin Express Says Max Keiser on Asian Capital Flight

For investors, Hong Kong has long served as the global financial system’s friendly intermediary with China. But after a year of social upheaval, the Chinese Government has imposed a comprehensive new national security law that would reportedly grant it “semi-autonomy” until 2048. Passed on June 30, 2020, the new law features 66 articles that affect many aspects of life in Hong Kong, including the potential for financial censorship by Beijing. The conditions for capital flight are ripe in the wake of this legislation. Investors Move 10% of Their Gold From

Az embereknek a semmiért fizetni nem éppen gazdasági ösztönző

2009-ben Nancy Pelosi amerikai házelnök kijelentette, hogy a gazdaság élénkítésének legjobb módja az, ha egyre több élelmiszerutalványt és munkanélküli ellátást kapnak az állampolgárok. Minél több ember kap pénzbeli és nem-pénzbeli juttatásokat, annál jobb, állította Pelosi. Az elhangzott mondatokon akkor mindenki csak nevetett, most viszont a koronavírus-válság közepette egyre többen gondolják azt, hogy alapjövedelmet kellene bevezetni. Úgy vélik ezzel csökkenteni lehetne a mélyszegénységbe csúszó családokat, növelni a fogyasztást, ezáltal a gazdaság is növekedési pályára állna. Szakemberek szerint viszont igazi munkagyilkos megoldás lenne az, ha csupán a “létezésért” bárkinek is fizetnének. Mi

Bitcoin Doesn’t Care as US Debt Reaches an Unfathomable $24 Trillion

The national debt of the United States has crossed $24 trillion for the first time in history as Donald Trump’s presidency adds $4 trillion in four years.According to figures from online monitoring resource Trading Economics, the tally now stands at $24.018 trillion as of April 9. The amount is equal to $72,888 for each U.S. citizen, or $193,805 per taxpayer.U.S. massive debt mountain mushroomsThe almost incomprehensible size of national debt comes weeks after the Federal Reserve began an unprecedented money printing program. Providing $6 trillion of liquidity, the Fed led responses

How to Run Large Zoom Meetings: 5 Best Practices for Businesses, Churches, Etc.

We have entered the age of Zoom. Forget other videoconference programs: they’re slow, buggy, and hard to use. You spend half the meeting trying to get everyone connected. We’ve tried them all, and we’ve found that Zoom “just works.” It’s great for small teams, but it gets a little more challenging for larger griefs. In this CoCo brief, we’ll talk about 5 best practices that we’ve learned from an unlikely source: The Union Church in Newton, Massachusetts. The Union Church has been successfully running their Sunday services on Zoom, with upwards of

Evolution of‘Payments’ Will Bolster Next-Generation Businesses

Humans have always been on a developmental journey. When we are born into thousands of years of inventions and improvements, it’s easy to take for granted what’s around us— as if they always existed. We seldom think about the changes it took to get to where we are.Take for example, the creation of language and how that opened up a new course in human history. How it led to communication, collaboration, communities and organizations. From there, people organized a set of doctrines and came up with story-telling, a precursor to