
FAANG stocks And Digital Assets Are Flying

Which would you prefer, a large pizza split into eight slices, or a large pizza split into 12 slices? A normal, rational person might suggest that it really doesn’t make much of a difference, as it’s really the same amount of pizza. This poor Australian girl, however, will probably never live down the time her “friend” Brad filmed her saying that she’d prefer eight slices, because she couldn’t possibly eat 12 slices of Pizza. Well, today Jen can finally point out that the eternity of new-wave momentum traders are giving

Polkadot Reveals Details of Upcoming DOT Redenomination

Blockchain interoperability platform, Polkadot has released details of its upcoming Denomination Day, when native DOT tokens will undergo a redenomination. On August 21, at block number 1,248,328, new DOT tokens will be 100 times smaller than before, with user balances correspondingly showing as 100x higher and the price lowering by the same multiplier. DENOMINATION DAY: On August 21st at approximately 13:15 UTC (block number 1,248,328), DOT tokens will undergo a redenomination from the original sale. 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘋𝘖𝘛 will be 100x smaller than DOT (old). Therefore, your balance will be 100x

Ethereum 2.0 Testnet Performing Well, 1 Million ‘ETH’ Staked

It’s been almost a week since the launch of the ETH 2.0 final public testnet, which has been performing as intended by most accounts. As many as one million ETH have been staked on the Beacon Chain simulation, reviving hopes of a mainnet launch later this year. The Medalla ETH 2.0 testnet has been running for six days which has given developers a chance to monitor early progress. Launched on Aug 4, Medalla is the fifth and final testnet for the long-awaited upgrade to an Ethereum proof-of-stake consensus. Phase 0

BTC and ETH Crypto Derivatives in Demand, Market Expected to Grow Further

The crypto options market has been evolving rapidly over the second quarter of 2020. According to TokenInsight’s recent crypto derivatives industry report, trading volumes are seeing a 166% year-on-year increase compared to Q2 2019. The derivative products driving these volumes are futures and options. While futures grow with traders betting on a bullish price sentiment, both open interest and volumes of options have reached all-time highs.All-time highs On Wednesday, open interest in Ether (ETH) options hit an all-time high of $351 million on Deribit and $37 million on OKEx. In fact, open