
Binance.US to list Avalanche after yet another recent ATH

Binance.US has announced that it will now list Avalanche (AVAX) and soon allow deposits for trading. Open trading on AVAX/USD and AVAX/USDT pairs is set to commence on 18 November, as per a notice released by the exchange. This development comes after listed AVAX last year. And, just last month, the exchange had announced that it will support the Avalanche (AVAX) network upgrade. The project has seen a lot of traction lately. While it was priced at $3.4 at the start of the year, AVAX has grown by a

How To Use Phantom Wallet

Table of Contents What is a Phantom Wallet?  Phantom Wallet is a Solana-based cryptocurrency wallet that enables users to utilize decentralized applications (dapps) and organize digital assets on the Solana blockchain. It creates private keys to secure users’ funds, assets and execute digital transactions.  The wallet is specifically built to help Solana users send, receive, store, swap, and stake tokens on a blockchain. It is non-custodial, has a built-in DEX, and supports the Ledger hardware wallet and Web3 applications.  How To Create Your Phantom Wallet 1. Visit Phantom Wallet’s official

Introducing GoFungibles’ community governance in the world of crypto

OkDecentralization and Web 3.0 are hot topics in the world right now. A byproduct of blockchain technology is the emerging world of Web 3.0. The idea behind Web 3.0 is that users on the internet will interact with each other and data will be stored in a decentralized way, giving users data privacy and sovereignty. This is different from Web 2.0, where most of the activity on the internet is composed of users interacting with each other and data stored in centralized storage locations that are controlled by large companies.

COMP’s incentive crisis and what lies ahead for alt’s price

The DeFi space has accelerated at a pretty good pace of late, despite some setbacks in the first half of the year. In 2021 alone, the ecosystem reported a growth rate of over 20x. A lot of upcoming protocols like Abracadabra have made star entries recently too. Even so, platforms like Maker, Aave, and Compound are ruling the roost, still maintaining their spot in the top five in terms of total value locked.  Maker and Aave have had their fair share of price pumps over the last couple of months. However,

DOEX set to become the first DEX on Cardano

Although it is one of the top-performing blockchain networks, Cardano is yet to have a native Decentralized Exchange (DEX) like those found in other blockchain networks. Currently, there exists no exchange list for tokens of projects that are based on the Cardano blockchain. This will soon become a thing of the past, now that the team at DOEX is making some serious headway into the development of their project. DOEX is set to be the first Cardano Blockchain-based DEX, and according to its roadmap, the DOEX DEX is scheduled to

Samsung Wallet integriert Shiba Inu – steigt der SHIB Kurs weiter?

Der Shiba Inu Coin sorgte aufgrund seines massiven Kursanstiegs für Schlagzeilen. Gleichzeitig integrieren immer mehr Krypto-Anbieter Shiba Inu auf ihren Plattformen. Wird der SHIB Kurs bald weiter steigen?Gesponsert Gesponsert Der Krypto-Wallet-Anbieter ZenGo, der unter anderem von Samsung ins Leben gerufen wurde, bietet nun Shiba Inu auf der Wallet an. Auch andere Exchanges bzw. Krypto-Wallet-Anbieter springen auf den SHIB-Zug auf. Wird sich der Shiba Inu Hype weiter fortsetzen? Krypto Exchange Gemini listet Shiba Inu Coin Seit kurzem bietet auch die populäre die Krypto-Exchange Gemini Shiba Inu an. Der Gemini CEO Tyler to Launch Liquidity Protocol for Non-Standard Assets has announced the closure of a $3M strategic funding round. The investment round was led by Digital Currency Group (DCG) and also included Animoca Brands, Dapper Labs, Polygon, DeFi Alliance, Hashkey Capital, Everest Venture Group, SNZ, and 6Block. Sponsored Sponsored The first DeFi product of its kind, is brand-new in the lending and leasing market. It appraises, liquidates, and provides use cases for non-standard assets (NSAs). Supported NSAs include non-fungible tokens (NFTs), liquidity provider tokens (LP tokens), tokenized rights, minor cryptocurrencies, and bundled assets. With the development of the

DAOLaunch Vows to Change the Future of Funding With Decentralized VC

The Venture Capital (VC) industry has traditionally been the playground for the rich. Generally speaking, you had little chance of making it as a venture capitalist if you were not financially well-established to begin with. Sponsored Sponsored However, that status quo is about to change now with the emergence of blockchain-powered platforms like DAOLaunch.  Blockchain technology is already making inroads into venture capital, exposing the industry to all the perks of decentralization. Expectedly, this has prompted an increasing number of analysts and industry stakeholders to anticipate a new era of decentralized

Bitcoin Taproot Upgrade: eine “unbedeutende Verbesserung”?

Analysten haben das Bitcoin-Taproot-Upgrade als “geringfügige Verbesserung einer veralteten Technologie” kritisiert.Gesponsert Gesponsert Taproot ging am 13. November in Betrieb und ist laut Befürwortern das erste “große” Bitcoin Core Upgrade seit 2017. Mit dem Update sollen Transaktionen billiger, schneller, sicherer und privater werden. Außerdem wird Taproot die Funktionalität von Smart Contracts innerhalb des Netzwerks verbessern. “Das Upgrade ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung”, meint der CTO von TrustToken, Betreiber von TrueFi und des Stablecoins TUSD. “Aber es ändert nichts an der Tatsache, dass Bitcoin technologisch weit hinter anderen Blockchains zurückliegt.”

99,9% Wertverlust – beim Shiba Inu ist Vorsicht geboten

Der Hype um den alternativen Hundetoken Shiba Inu erreichte zuletzt ein ungekanntes Ausmaß. Investoren sind kritisch und schimpfen ihn Memecoin oder Shitcoin. Der leitende Entwickler von Shiba Inu, Shytoshi Kusama, hält dagegen.Gesponsert Gesponsert Quelle: Deseret Blicken wir ein halbes Jahr zurück Im Mai dieses Jahres befand sich der gesamte Kryptomarkt als Reaktion auf Maßnahmen der chinesischen Regierung im Sinkflug. China hatte den Handel mit und die Erstellung von Kryptowährungen stark eingeschränkt. SHIB wurde zu dieser Zeit von vielen als wertlos kritisiert. Die Erwartungshaltung war dementsprechend, dass Shiba Inu seine 15