
Analyzing Token Sale Models

Note: I mention the names of various projects below only to compare and contrast their token sale mechanisms; this should NOT be taken as an endorsement or criticism of any specific project as a whole. It's entirely possible for any given project to be total trash as a whole and yet still have an awesome token sale model. The last few months have seen an increasing amount of innovation in token sale models. Two years ago, the space was simple: there were capped sales, which sold a fixed number of

[Mirror] A Proof of Stake Design Philosophy

Vitalik Buterin via the Vitalik Buterin Blog This is a mirror of the post at Systems like Ethereum (and Bitcoin, and NXT, and Bitshares, etc) are a fundamentally new class of cryptoeconomic organisms — decentralized, jurisdictionless entities that exist entirely in cyberspace, maintained by a combination of cryptography, economics and social consensus. They are kind of like BitTorrent, but they are also not like BitTorrent, as BitTorrent has no concept of state — a distinction that turns out to be crucially important. They are sometimes described as decentralized autonomous

The Challenges and Opportunities behind the Convergence of AI and Blockchain.

  Over the last decade, the potential overlap between cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence (AI) — two significant technological trends of the last decade. The curiosity stems from a natural inclination to find a connection between these innovative domains. On the surface, the synergy seems apparent: the decentralizing force of cryptocurrency could offset the centralizing tendencies of AI, while AI's complexity could be made more transparent through blockchain technologies, which are adept at data management and verification. However, the conversation often hit a snag when delving into concrete applications, leading to

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: The Digital Watermarking and AI Duo

Revolutionizing Clinical Trials: The Digital Watermarking and AI Duo Clinical trials, the linchpin of medical research, have long been riddled with inefficiencies, from patient recruitment bottlenecks to data management hurdles. As a technology and banking analyst, I've seen how digital solutions can overhaul entire sectors, offering improved productivity and streamlined processes. It's high time that clinical trials get a dose of such digital innovation, and there's a potent combination on the horizon: digital watermarking coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI). At first glance, one might wonder: how can a technique often