
Ransomware Attacks Demanding Crypto Are Unfortunately Here to Stay

Year after year, the ransomware landscape changes dramatically. In 2019, a new resurgence of attacks occurred as businesses and government institutions became the main targets of ransomware, given their capacity to yield larger payouts. The most recent attack was against Garmin, a navigation systems company, on July 23. Due to the attack, many of its online services such as customer support, website functions and company communications were affected. Reportedly, the Russian cybergang Evil Corp launched the attack, demanding $10 million in cryptocurrency to restore access to Garmin’s services. Overall, according to a

Celebrating The History And Spirit Of Bitcoin Independence Day

This article originally appeared in our Weekly Bits newsletter. If you want our news and analysis before anyone else, make sure you subscribe now! In my view, Bitcoin Independence Day is a holiday that says a lot about the BTC community. Its origins are highly technical and difficult to understand, the “independence” it celebrates refers to the developer community overcoming interests from industrialized miners and, ultimately, it’s a chance for Bitcoiners to reflect on the young history of the technology and engage in debate. To celebrate, Bitcoin Magazine hosted a day