
Why Trust, Openness, and Interoperability Are Vital to Data Exchange

Things are changing rapidly and there is a significant rise in demand for decentralized data solutions. How do decentralized data solutions work? How effective are they? In which business instances can they help? Decentralized data protocols and marketplaces give individuals and enterprises the opportunity to monetize their data in a way that is safe and compliant. Through blockchain technology, information is traceable and verifiable via its decentralized application archive. Data that flows through its decentralized archive is immutable and cannot be changed, allowing for increased control both within and between

Efforce (WOZX): Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak’s Cryptocurrency

Every so often a cryptocurrency is released that makes you a do a double take. Efforce (WOZX) is certainly one of those cryptocurrencies. Efforce was founded by world famous Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and WOZX cryptocurrency token went from a price of 10 cents USD to over 3$USD in its first days on the market. In just the first 13 minutes of trading, WOZX had an unrealized market cap of 950 million USD.Although this price action made the headlines both inside and outside of the cryptocurrency space, it seems that