consensus algorithm

Solana: The Perfect Match for the Online Casino Industry’s Need for Speed and Scalability

As the online gambling industry continues to grow, the need for scalable and fast platforms is more vital than ever. Solana, a high-performance blockchain, has emerged as a powerful solution to the challenges faced by this ever-expanding sector. By providing rapid transaction processing, low fees, and impressive scalability, Solana has quickly become a popular choice for emerging Solana casino like Duel Casino. In this article, we will delve into the reasons why Solana is an ideal fit for the online gambling industry, and how its unique features can address the

Interview Questions to Ask a Blockchain Developer Before Hiring

In this article, blockchain experts at ARTJOKER have prepared good blockchain developer interview questions for you, as well as answers to them. Given the daily increase in the popularity of blockchain and the growing number of developers, you need to know what questions to ask a blockchain specialist to check his level of knowledge. If you want to hire an experienced and qualified blockchain specialist and want to assess his skills, you need to know questions to ask a blockchain developer on the interview. General Blockchain Interview Questions What is