Bitcoin Investing

With Value Approach, Off The Chain Capital Is Changing The Bitcoin Investment Narrative

When viewed from a traditional investing lens, bitcoin may seem like a risky bet. The technology is still relatively new, the price is notoriously volatile and it’s not uncommon to hear investors caution newcomers not to invest more than they can afford to lose in BTC.But the performance of Off The Chain Capital, a digital currency investment firm that focuses on value investing in bitcoin, tells a different story. As one of the best-performing funds in the space, it has shown that reliable performance and BTC can go hand in

Risky Assets Are Rallying, Bitcoin Back Above $7,000

“In every generation a man is obligated to feel as if he himself has experienced the exudes from Egypt.” This is one of the core principles of the upcoming holiday of Passover that Jewish people across the globe will celebrate tomorrow. It’s the very reason that we embrace strange customs like eating herbs that are so bitter they make you cry, drinking four full glasses of whine, and of course the famous flat bread known as matzah. Though I will never ever understand what it must have been like to

After a Volatile Week, Bitcoin Opens Higher on Monday

As we see strong signs of stabilization throughout Europe, the situation in the U.K. seems to be getting worse. Not only has the prime minister himself now been admitted to the hospital, but the number of confirmed cases has seen a significant spike to nearly 6,000 yesterday. Last night, the queen herself addressed the nation in a brief but extremely moving speech. Over in the U.S., the president has mentioned that the peak is near. Yet, even in Asia, leaders are finding it difficult to lift the lockdowns and travel

Market Volatility Continues Amid COVID19 Uncertainty

In times of deep crisis such as this it’s important to stay true to who we are and that seems to get more and more difficult the deeper we get. Last night, I engaged in an interesting discussion on social media when Bruce Fenton posed the question “Are mandated lockdowns right or wrong?” This is something that another bitcoin though leader, Jimmy Song, is on record as being staunchly against and the libertarian in me tends to agree. Jimmy’s point here is simply that a pattern has arisen throughout history

Bitcoin Surges by 10%, Gold and Stocks Also in the Green

We’ve been seeing new hockey stick graphs every day lately and today is no exception. The weekly jobless data just came out from the U.S. and the numbers were even worse than any analysts had guessed. This chart shows the number of Americans who filed for unemployment for the first time last week. Notice that the number is almost exactly double the average analyst forecast (gold bar). In total for the last two weeks, that makes nearly 10 million people out of work due to the virus fears. That’s about

Unsurprisingly, Markets Are Bearish

Out of all the hockey stick graphs we’ve been looking at over the last few weeks, the one that really takes the cake is the google trends chart showing the number of people searching for the term ‘unprecedented.’ The levels we’re seeing at the moment, quite frankly, have never existed before. Demand on telecommunications have been unprecedented. The sudden halt in air and even ground travel is unprecedented. And the actions taken by governments and central banks around the world have been well… unprecedented. We’re litteraly living through history at