Halo Infinite studio ber om ursäkt för "stötande och sårande" ord i Juneteenth kosmetika

Källnod: 1394899

343 Industries chef Bonnie Ross har bett om ursäkt för frisläppandet av en Halo Oändlig cosmetic intended to commemorate the end of slavery in the United States that included a color scheme with an "offensive and hurtful" name.

The epic nameplate is called Juneteenth, named after a US holiday which commemorates the end of slavery. But a playerplayers quickly noticed that a secondary color palette was available for the nameplate, named "Bonobo." The bonobo is a type of great ape, which has an obviously racist connotation when used in reference to Juneteenth.

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Halo Oändlig

(Bildkredit: 343 Industries)
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Halo Infinite - Freedom-namnlapp

(Bildkredit: 343 Industries)
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Halo Infinite - Freedom-namnlapp

(Bildkredit: 343 Industries)

343 quickly renamed the palette to "Freedom"—YouTuber Sean W. said it was "the fastest fix" he'd ever seen—and Ross issued a brief but unreserved apology on Twitter.

"We were made aware of a palette option for our Juneteenth emblem that contained a term that was offensive and hurtful. The team immediately addressed this issue via an update," she tweeted.

"We are a studio and franchise that is committed to inclusivity where everyone is welcome and supported to be their true self. On behalf of 343, I apologize for making a celebrated moment a hurtful moment."

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Ross didn't comment on how the name ended up attached to the cosmetic in the first place, but 343 senior community manager John Junyszek said it was a reference to an "intern verktygsuppsättning." An image of the software was posted by streamer Mint BlitzMedan Kotaku said that it's an "asset-editing program" in use at 343; the program was apparently not used for Halo Infinite development but is widely-known and popular among employees at the studio.

(Bildkredit: 343 Industries)

The possibility that the name was used as an unthinking placeholder doesn't seem unreasonable, but the explanation didn't hold water with everyone. OpTic Gaming player Brad "aPG" Laws, for instance, pointed out that the name presumably had to pass through multiple layers of approval at the studio, none of which flagged it as offensive.

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Några fans i Halo subreddit uttryckte liknande skepsis, och delade teorier om ursprunget till namnet som sträckte sig från en organiserad konspiration till enkel försummelse.

Whatever the reason, Halo Infinite creative head Joseph Staten also apologized for the use of the name, calling it "inexcusable."

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Jag har kontaktat Microsoft för mer information om hur paletten fick sitt namn, och kommer att uppdatera om jag får svar.


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