
Od prevlade do skladnosti

Prejšnji torek je Binance rešil svoje dolgoletne pravne spore z več ameriškimi vladnimi agencijami, vključno z ministrstvom za pravosodje (DoJ), mrežo ministrstva za finance za boj proti finančnim zločinom (FinCEN), uradom za nadzor tujih sredstev (OFAC) in ameriška komisija za trgovanje s terminskimi pogodbami na blago (CFTC). Vendar jim ni uspelo doseči dogovora s Komisijo za vrednostne papirje in borzo (SEC) glede svojih nerešenih stroškov. Kot del poravnave je Binance pristal na plačilo osupljive kazni v višini 4.3 milijarde dolarjev. Poleg tega bo odstopil Changpeng Zhao (CZ), izvršni direktor Binance

Global Exchange Binance objavlja kripto listino o pravicah za trgovce

Binance, največja kripto borza na svetu, je izdala, kar imenujejo »10 temeljnih pravic za uporabnike kripto«. Izvajanje, za kar Changpeng Zhao (CZ) pravi, da je prvi Binanceov oglas doslej, je borza zavzela celotno stran londonskega Financial Timesa z besedami "KRIPTO JE ZLO." Binance pod privlačnim stavkom opozarja: »Ko gre za kripto, naj vas naslovi ne zavedejo. Poleg bitcoinov in dogecoinov obstaja svet, v katerem so finančne priložnosti dostopne vsem, ne le peščici privilegiranih. Kripto pripada vsem nam. Ampak

Binance med drugim v Singapurju ustavi trgovanje na prostem in storitve depozita fiat

Poleg tega noben uporabnik ne bo mogel kupiti kriptovalut prek fiat kanalov in zamenjav likvidnosti. Do tega je prišlo po tem, ko je Binance izvedel nadaljnje spremembe, da bi bil skladen z Monetary Authority of Singapore [MAS], tako da je ukinil vse povezane posle. Zdaj je Binance pozval svoje singapurske uporabnike, naj umaknejo fiat sredstva in unovčijo žetone do srede, 26. oktobra, ob 04:00 UTC, da bi se izognili morebitnim sporom pri trgovanju. V začetku tega meseca je centralna banka Binance ukazala, naj preneha zbirati posle za stranke rezidente Singapurja. Po tem je borza prenehala ponujati trgovalne pare SGD

Singapurska monetarna uprava dodaja Binance na opozorilni seznam vlagateljev

Singapore’s financial regulator, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), has added Binance to its investor warning list, becoming yet another country to warn investors.Sponsored Sponsored The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the country’s financial regulator, has added Binance to its investor alert list. The list warns investors of companies or firms that “may have been wrongly perceived as being licensed or regulated by MAS.” This is similar to a warning issued by the U.K.’s Financial Conduct Authority. Bloomberg asked the MAS questions about the incident — and it may be

Binance US bi lahko svoje sanje o IPO uresničil do leta 2024

Popular crypto-exchange Binance’s U.S. division could have an initial public offering by 2024, according to CEO and Founder Changpeng Zhao. In a recent interview, the exec noted, “Binance.US is just going to do what Coinbase did.” Here, it’s worth noting that Coinbase’s IPO was followed by lawsuits from Donald Ramsey and other investors. In fact, many of the latter have alleged the exchange made “materially misleading” statements during its IPO. As Coinbase continues to fight this charge, Binance may want to make sure that it covers its bases from regulatory

JP Morgan in njegova služba za trgovanje z bitcoini se bosta soočila z močno konkurenco na borzah kriptovalut

Aug 10, 2021 at 10:28 // News JP Morgan is finally offering bitcoin investment options to its customers after years of aversion to crypto investing, and is reportedly promoting its bitcoin product to its retail customers. However, the bank should be prepared for competition from cryptocurrency exchanges and similar banks. Sceptic becomes a believer After JP Morgan Chase discovered the potential of cryptocurrencies, the bank added Bitcoin to the list of assets its clients can invest in. Everything JP Morgan is doing now in regards to Bitcoin has proven to

Malezija je začela izvršbo proti nezakonito delujočemu sistemu Binance

In brief Malaysia's financial services regulator has taken enforcement action against Binance. The Securities Commission has said Binance is still operating illegally despite being listed on an alert list since July 2020. The Malaysia Securities Commission (SC) has today taken enforcement action against Binance for allegedly operating illegally in the country. The SC claims the crypto exchange is operating illegally as a Digital Asset Exchange, without the requisite registration requirements found in Sections 7(1) and 34(1) of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007.  “Accordingly, the SC has issued a public

Klasičen primer kratkoročne izgube, dolgoročnega dobička za Bitcoin in kripto sektor?

Regulatory scrutiny has become an oft-visited issue in recent months, with countries all over the world stepping up their efforts to regulate the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Several arguments have been made in favor of, as well as against these steps, with some calling it an effort by traditional institutions to curb what doesn’t fall under their purview while others have hypothesized about the possible growth that regulations can bring. Those in favor of regulations were joined by Bitmain founder and former CEO Jihan Wu recently after he told CNBC that he

Odkritje Blockchain in Crypto Gaming World En klik naenkrat

Redni bralci se bodo nedvomno zavedali visokih pričakovanj, ki so trenutno položena na pleča iger na področju blockchain. Za zagovornike tehnologije veriženja blokov obstaja upanje, da bo izkoriščanje približno 2.5 milijarde igralcev iger po vsem svetu pomenilo ogromen preskok k splošnemu sprejemanju. Tehnologija veriženja blokov in porazdeljene knjige še naprej prodira v vse vrste industrij, saj vse več ljudi odkriva in pridobiti razumevanje koristi, ki jih lahko prinese. Od učinkovitosti dobavne verige prek certificiranja pristnosti in izvora do nespremenljivega

Kripto odvetnik Kyle Roche obravnava tožbo v razredu

Kyle Roche, partner v odvetniški družbi Roche Cyrulnik Freedman, je pred kratkim odprl približno 11 skupinskih tožb proti vodilnim kriptopodjetjem. Podjetje je skupaj s Selendy & Gay vložilo tožbe proti kripto borzam in ICO žetonom. Med obtoženimi so Tron, Status, Bancor in Block.One skupaj z njihovimi vodilnimi. Vložitev tožb proti vodjem kriptovalut 11 skupinskih tožb sledi navodilom SEC, da so ICO neregistrirane ponudbe vrednostnih papirjev v ZDA in da morajo biti vsi izdajatelji ICO in borze registrirani pri SEC. Med obtoženimi v zadevi je Changpeng Zhao,

Binance CEO CZ: Stricter Regulations in Asia Will Lead to Consolidation of Crypto Exchanges

The fragmentation of the Asian market has brought about more rigorous scrutiny from financial regulations and this has led to a consolidation of many cryptocurrency exchanges according to a report on Wednesday. The report cited a decline in the number of Mergers and Acquisitions by 76% in 2019 and a good number of these transactions had involved exchanges and payment services. While the number of deals conducted in the US fell by 40%, those conducted in Asia rose from 14% to 22%. Binance leading the way Binance, the world’s largest