Svetovni primanjkljaj Bitcoina: 92 % zalog izkopanih, 8 % preostalih

Svetovni primanjkljaj Bitcoina: 92 % zalog izkopanih, 8 % preostalih

Izvorno vozlišče: 2598839
  1. 92% of Bitcoin’s total supply has been mined.
  2. Bitcoin’s 21 million cap is credible, making it a valuable asset.
  3. Increased demand may drive prices higher as supply dwindles.

The world is currently facing a significant shortage of Bitcoin. With 19.4 million BTC, or approximately 92% of the 21 million Bitcoin cap already in circulation, only 8% of the total supply remains up for grabs. This scarcity poses a considerable challenge as more people become aware of the cryptocurrency’s value and importance.

Bitcoin stands alone as the only notable proof-of-work asset with a credible 21 million supply cap. Its unique invention cannot be replicated, making it a valuable form of property that individuals can own. Many people have not yet realized Bitcoin’s potential, but eventually, everyone will catch on to its importance in the financial landscape.

At present, it is estimated that fewer than 1% of people truly understand Bitcoin’s value and potential. These individuals are buying as much of the available supply as possible, holding onto their investments and refusing to sell at any price. This dedication to the digital currency highlights the belief in its long-term worth.

As more people recognize Bitcoin’s value and scarcity, the demand for the limited remaining supply is likely to increase dramatically. This surge in demand could drive Bitcoin’s price significantly higher, as individuals and institutions worldwide compete for the remaining 8% of the supply.

Furthermore, it is essential for those interested in Bitcoin to educate themselves about the cryptocurrency and its underlying technology. With a better understanding of the asset, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their investments and participation in the growing digital currency ecosystem.

In conclusion, the dwindling availability of Bitcoin, coupled with its unique properties, may result in unprecedented competition and price surges as people around the globe vie for the last portion of its limited supply. As awareness of Bitcoin’s value grows, the scramble for the remaining 8% of the supply could lead to drastic changes in the market and investment landscape.

Tags: BitcoinBTC

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