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September 20, 2021

We Call Out the Charter School Scams

An item from the Network for Public Education that is well worth the read.

Dragi Michael,

We are always asked, “So how do charter school operators make big profits from our tax dollars anyway?” If you have wondered, do we have a story for you.

Read how Waste Management heir, J.C. Huizenga the owner of National Heritage Academies, is making hundreds of millions by selling off his charter schools. Here is what is even worse–even after the sale, he will still be in control making a profit.

You can read my blog in the Answer Sheet on how he is doing it tukaj.

It is Time to Hear From Public School Advocates Like You

Aren’t you tired of hearing from faux Grassroots groups funded by the Kochs and the Waltons? It is time to amplify the voices of parents, teachers and community members who podpora public school improvement and fight against the false promise of privatized choice. Thanks to a generous grant from Voqal, a philanthropy that promotes social equity, NPE Action started Public Voices for Public Schools a project to allow friends of public schools to tell their compelling stories. Make sure you put this link in your favorites– https://pv4ps.org, sledite projektu dne Twitter, tako kot mi na Facebook  and enter your email address on our spletna stran to receive a new story every Monday.

Teachers Across the Nation Will Stand Up on October 14 to #TeachTruth in Opposition to Bills Banning the Teaching of Structural Racism

On October 14, our friends at Black Lives Matter at School and the African American Policy Forum will lead a day of Action during which teachers pledge to teach the truth regardless of punitive state laws. For more information on how you can support or participate in this initiative, go tukaj.

Mesec hispanske dediščine

The Network for Public Education is joyfully celebrating Mesec hispanske dediščine, which began this Wednesday and runs through October 15. Please watch our beloved board member Julian Vasquez Heilig as he tells the beautiful story of his own family’s heritage tukaj.

To Julian, and all our Latinx families: Felicitaciones y gracias por tu apoyo de nuestras escuelas publicas.

hvala za vse, kar počneš,

Carol Burris, izvršna direktorica

Mreža za javno izobraževanje je organizacija 501 (c) (3). Donacijo lahko opravite kot davčno olajšavo tukaj.

Lahko nas spremljate naprej Twitter in kot mi na Facebook .

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Source: https://virtualschooling.wordpress.com/2021/09/20/we-call-out-the-charter-school-scams/

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