Vitalik Buterin izraža zaskrbljenost zaradi DAO-jev, ki odobravajo operaterje skladov za vlaganje ETH

Vitalik Buterin izraža zaskrbljenost zaradi DAO-jev, ki odobravajo operaterje skladov za vlaganje ETH

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Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, has expressed worries regarding decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) exerting a monopoly over the selection of node operators in liquidity staking pools.

V blogu z dne 30. sept objava, Buterin warns that as staking pools adopt the DAO approach for governance over node operators — who are ultimately responsible for the pool’s funds — it can expose them to potential risks od zlonamernih akterjev.

"Če pri pristopu DAO prevladuje en tak žeton za vstavljanje, to vodi do enega samega, potencialno napadljivega pripomočka za upravljanje, ki nadzoruje zelo velik del vseh validatorjev Ethereum."

Buterin highlights the liquid staking provider Lido as an example with a DAO that validates node operators. However, he emphasizes that relying on just one layer of protection may prove insufficient:

"Po zaslugi protokolov, kot je Lido, so uvedli zaščitne ukrepe proti temu, vendar ena plast obrambe morda ne bo dovolj," je opozoril.

ETH staked by category chart. Source: Vitalik Buterin/Dune

Meanwhile, he explains that Rocket Pool offers the opportunity for anyone to become a node operator by placing an 8 Ether (ETH) deposit, which, at the time of this publication, is equivalent to approximately $13,406.

However, he notes this comes with its risks. “The Rocket Pool approach allows attackers to 51% attack the network, and force users to pay most of the costs,” he stated.

On the other hand, Buterin highlights that having a mechanism to ascertain who can act as the underlying node operators is an inevitable necessity:

“It can’t be unrestricted, because then attackers would join and amplify their attacks with users’ funds.“

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Buterin further outlines that a possible approach to address this issue involves encouraging ecosystem participants to utilize a variety of liquid staking providers. 

He clarifies this would decrease the likelihood of any provider becoming excessively large and posing a systemic risk.

“In the longer term, however, this is an unstable equilibrium, and there is peril in relying too much on moralistic pressure to solve problems,” he stated.

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