Valorant Crosshair Codes - kode za profesionalne igralce

Valorant Crosshair Codes – kode za profesionalne igralce

Izvorno vozlišče: 2684651

Nitni križci Valorant so popolnoma edinstveni za vsakega igralca.

Kode Valorant Crosshair so popolnoma edinstvene za vsakega igralca in se spreminjajo za vsak slog igre. Novejšim igralcem je lahko malce težavno ugotoviti kode križa.

Vendar pa mnogi profesionalni igralci Valorant so razkrili svoje kode s križcem za pomoč novejšim igralcem. Nekatere od teh kod vam morda ne bodo ustrezale. Vendar jih je mogoče nekoliko spremeniti, če vidite križec, ki morda deluje.

Perhaps using the codes below can help you go on your way to becoming the next Shroud or TenZ. But remember, using their crosshairs alone won’t massively improve your gameplay. For that, you need their work ethic as well.

So, let’s look at some professional Vrednotenje players’ crosshair codes and see if they can help you to play at your best.

Profesionalne kode Valorant Crosshair

Here are some professional Valorant players’ crosshair codes.

TenZ križec v Valorantu

klikni za povečavo

This can be done by…

  1. Pojdite v meni »Nastavitve«.
  2. Click ‘Import Profile’.
  3. Prilepite kodo križca, ki vam je všeč.
  4. Click ‘Import’ and choose the name of your profile.

However, there is also the option to create your own crosshair. Players can modify the colour, opacity, size, and shape of their crosshairs in the same settings. This can help to really customise a player’s experience and ensure their gameplay is the best that it can be.

Lahko tudi spremenite barvo križca v katero koli barvo, ki jo želite. Od popravka 5.04 igralci lahko izbirajo med številnimi barvami. To igri doda eno dodatno plast prilagajanja.


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