Syngrafii integrira napredno preverjanje identitete Trulioo za izboljšanje varnosti e-podpisov

Syngrafii integrira napredno preverjanje identitete Trulioo za izboljšanje varnosti e-podpisov

Izvorno vozlišče: 2984098

Digital Identity | Nov 28, 2023

Freepik pressfoto digital identity - Syngrafii Integrates Trulioo's Advanced Identity Verification to Enhance eSignature SecurityFreepik pressfoto digital identity - Syngrafii Integrates Trulioo's Advanced Identity Verification to Enhance eSignature Security Image by pressfoto na Freepiku

Syngrafii Announces Integration with Trulioo Identity Document Verification, Enhancing its iinked Sign™ and Video Signing Room™ (VSR) platforms.

Syngrafii’s strategic integration helps secure elektronski podpisi, addressing the evolving needs of regulatory bodies and combating financial crimes like mortgage and auto loan fraud. The integration not only streamlines the identity verification process but also fortifies compliance with KYC, PUK, and AML protocols, setting a new standard in the digital signing realm.

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Ključne točke:

  • Vključevanje s Trulioo’s Identity Document Verification brings a new level of assurance in signatory authentication, combining e-signature and IDV processes into a unified, more secure platform.
  • This integration is a response to the changing demands of regulatory agencies, law societies, and financial institutions, ensuring compliance and mitigating risks associated with financial crimes, and meets the standards of NIST in DIACC
  • Syngrafii’s iinked Sign™ now includes a “Write to Sign” feature, allowing signatories to use their own handwriting, enhancing the authenticity and non-repudiation of electronic signatures.
  • This collaboration supports Syngrafii’s expansion in core markets like Canada and the U.S., while enhancing global trust in digital transactions.
  • Syngrafii’s suite, including the patented iinked Sign™, VSR™, and LongPen® technologies, offers a robust platform for compliant, secure, and versatile electronic signing experiences.

Zakaj je pomembno

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By ensuring higher levels of security and compliance, Syngrafii and Trulioo are not only enhancing the trustworthiness of digital signatures but are also paving the way for safer, more reliable online transactions across various sectors.  This is a noteworthy milestone along the journey towards a safer digital future.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Syngrafii Integrates Trulioo's Advanced Identity Verification to Enhance eSignature Security

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - Syngrafii Integrates Trulioo's Advanced Identity Verification to Enhance eSignature SecurityO National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association (NCFA Canada) je finančni inovacijski ekosistem, ki zagotavlja izobraževanje, tržno obveščanje, upravljanje industrije, mreženje in možnosti financiranja ter storitve na tisoče članov skupnosti in tesno sodeluje z industrijo, vlado, partnerji in podružnicami, da ustvari živahno in inovativno finančno tehnologijo in financiranje. industriji v Kanadi. Decentraliziran in porazdeljen NCFA sodeluje z globalnimi deležniki ter pomaga inkubirati projekte in naložbe v sektorjih finančne tehnologije, alternativnega financiranja, množičnega financiranja, financiranja enakovrednih, plačil, digitalnih sredstev in žetonov, umetne inteligence, verige blokov, kriptovalut, regtech in insurtech. . pridruži se Kanadska skupnost Fintech & Funding danes BREZPLAČNO! Ali pa postanite prispeva član in dobiš perke. Za več informacij obiščite:

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