Gylt, ki je ekskluziven za Stadio, bo julija prišel na konzole in osebne računalnike

Gylt, ki je ekskluziven za Stadio, bo julija prišel na konzole in osebne računalnike

Izvorno vozlišče: 2643493

Gylt, ki je ekskluziven za Stadio, bo 5. julija na voljo za PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 6, Xbox Series X in S ter Xbox One.

In October – when Google je potrdil načrte za zaprtje svoje storitve za igranje iger v oblaku Stadia – developer Tequila Works razglasitve njegova ekskluzivna grozljivka za Stadio bi bila večplatformska, tako kot druge Ekskluzivne igre za Stadio naredili letos.

Here’s the Gylt multiplatform announcement trailer.

“While playing it safe and a tad predictable, Tequila Works carefully layers on new gimmicks and mechanics as you progress through Gylt, allowing you to organically build on your knowledge and start experimenting,” Vikki wrote in Eurogamer’s Gylt review.

“It’s these flashes of inspiration that can make Gylt’s gentle puzzling such a joy, so it’s frustrating we don’t see more of them. And while there’s not much here for the hardcore horror fan, don’t be deceived into thinking the eerie, tense Gylt is just for kids: it’s really not. It is, however, a little expensive for such a brief, if atmospheric, experience.”

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