Sony je do danes prodal 30 milijonov konzol PlayStation 5

Sony je do danes prodal 30 milijonov konzol PlayStation 5

Izvorno vozlišče: 1868530

V torrentu novic CES je Sony objavil, da je do zdaj prodal več kot 30 milijonov konzol PlayStation 5 po vsem svetu, kar je petmilijonsko povečanje prodaje. od objave zadnjih podatkov o prodaji v oktobru.

To je kljub dejstvu Sony je avgusta zvišal ceno konzole na številnih ozemljih. Sony je tudi izjavil, da je globalnega pomanjkanja konzol konec.

“Everyone who wants a PS5 should have a much easier time finding one at retailers globally, starting from this point forward,” said PlayStation chief Jim Ryan.

It’s been a long road to get to this point. The PlayStation 5 launched in November 2020 at the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic. This led to global supply chain issues, resulting in a shortage of consoles for over two years of the console’s life.

Ryan addressed the situation, thanking PlayStation fans for their patience as the company “managed unprecedented demand amid global challenges over the past two years.”

Taking a quick look at several UK retailers, it appears Sony’s statement has held true, with both the disc and digital edition of the PlayStation 5 readily available.

Morda bomo končno videli konec tega, kar je bilo dolgotrajno medgeneracijsko obdobje, ki je po mnenju mnogih zaviralo tehnični napredek iger.

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