Zakonodajalci iz Ohia se odločijo za gostovanje sedeža vesoljskega poveljstva

Zakonodajalci iz Ohia se odločijo za gostovanje sedeža vesoljskega poveljstva

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WASHINGTON — Roughly half of Ohio’s congressional delegation is wading into the standoff over Space Command’s future headquarters, currently between Colorado and Alabama, with Ohioans making a last-minute pitch for the White House and the Pentagon to put the command in their state instead.

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, led five other House Democrats and two House Republicans from his state in a letter asking the Biden administration to place the headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

The letter, addressed to President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall and Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman, touted the Air Force and NASA installations that Ohio already hosts. These include the National Air and Space Intelligence Center, the National Space Intelligence Center, and the Air Force Research Laboratory.

“These facilities support key space-related operations, including innovation in space components and technology,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter, which Brown highlighted on Twitter. “Co-locating the U.S. Space Command headquarters with these assets will generate incredible potential for cross-functional collaboration that will greatly enhance the efficiency and the effectiveness of the organization.”

The letter’s other signatories are Ohio’s Democratic Reps. Marcy Kaptur, Joyce Beatty, Shontel Brown, Emilia Sykes and Greg Landsman as well as Republican Reps. David Joyce and Max Miller. The nine other Republicans in Ohio’s congressional delegation did not sign the letter.

Pred dvema letoma, v zadnjih dneh Trumpove administracije, Letalske sile so napovedale, da bo Huntsville v Alabami - mesto vojaškega arzenala Redstone in dom Agencije za protiraketno obrambo - služilo kot nova lokacija za poveljstvo vesoljskega poveljstva, ki ga je preselil iz Colorado Springsa.

Odločitev je razjezila kongresno delegacijo Kolorada, ki je pozvala letalske sile, naj odločitev pregledajo. Več demokratov iz Kolorada je trdilo, da je šlo za politično maščevanje, ker je Biden na volitvah leta 2020 zmagal v zvezni državi.

Poročilo iz maja 2022 Urad generalnega inšpektorja ministrstva za obrambo je ugotovil, da so letalske sile upoštevale vse ustrezne zakone in politike pri izbiri Huntsvilla. Toda poročilo je tudi ugotovilo, da so bila pravila morda napačna, kar je povzročilo manj kot optimalno odločitev.

A ločeno poročilo vladnega urada za odgovornost iz junija 2022 je pokazalo, da letalske sile niso upoštevale najboljših praks pri odločitvi o bazi.

Kendall is reviewing both reports’ findings, but the final basing decision for Space Command headquarters is long overdue.

NBC News je prejšnji mesec poročal o tem bidnova administracija morda ustavila načrte za selitev sedeža v Alabamo deloma zaradi novega državnega zakona, po katerem je splav kaznivo dejanje, ki se za zdravnike kaznuje do 99 let zapora.

Further complicating matters, Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., has placed a blanket hold on Senate confirmations for hundreds of military promotions več Pentagon’s policy providing leave time and stipends for troops and their family members to travel across state lines in order to receive abortion services.

The Defense Department enacted the policy in February after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, thereby allowing states to enact anti-abortion laws.

Bryant Harris je kongresni poročevalec za Defence News. Od leta 2014 je poročal o ameriški zunanji politiki, nacionalni varnosti, mednarodnih zadevah in politiki v Washingtonu. Pisal je tudi za Foreign Policy, Al-Monitor, Al Jazeera English in IPS News.

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