Lokalna proizvodnja samodejnega analizatorja Hitachi 3500 se bo začela na Kitajskem

Izvorno vozlišče: 832257

TOKYO, Apr 15, 2021 – (JCN Newswire) – Hitachi High-Tech Corporation today announced that it will commence local production in China for assembled products of the Hitachi Automatic Analyzer 3500 for the Chinese market. Hitachi High-tech has been producing the small 3110 model clinical analyzers locally since 2018, but by adding the new 3500 model to our lineup, we will be able to meet growing demand in the larger market for medium-sized automatic clinical analyzer.

Slovesnost v spomin na prvo lokalno proizvedeno napravo na razstavi v Chongqingu na Kitajskem konec marca 2021

V zadnjih letih, ko se je kitajsko gospodarstvo razvijalo, je naraščala zaskrbljenost zaradi staranja prebivalstva, upravljanja javnega zdravja in reform zdravstvenih sistemov, kot je zdravstveno zavarovanje. Zaradi teh težav se pričakuje, da bo trg medicinskih pripomočkov in opreme na Kitajskem še naprej rasel.

Skupina Hitachi High-Tech Group si prizadeva okrepiti svoj sistem proizvodnje, trženja in servisiranja na Kitajskem za svoje podjetje Bio & Medical Systems Business, s ciljem razširitve na kitajski trg diagnostike in vitro (IVD), ki še naprej vztrajno raste. Leta 2013 je Hitachi High-Tech povečal proizvodno zmogljivost podjetja Hitachi Instrument (Suzhou), Ltd. (generalni direktor: Nobuyuki Iwaki / HIS), tako da je dokončal gradnjo nove zgradbe, ki proizvaja enote in potrošni material za medicinske analizatorje in druge predmete. Leta 2016 je bilo Hitachi High-Tech Diagnostics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (generalni direktor: Zhang Tao) ustanovljeno kot skupno podjetje za trženje in servisiranje IVD analizatorjev in reagentov na Kitajskem. S tesnim sodelovanjem s kitajskimi podjetji za reagente je to skupno podjetje razširilo dostavo celovitih rešitev na enem mestu po vsej Kitajski. Leta 2018 smo začeli z lokalno proizvodnjo malega modela 3110, da bi povečali svojo konkurenčnost in kitajskim strankam zagotovili izdelke, ki ustrezajo potrebam trga.

In the Hitachi High-Tech Group’s Bio & Medical Systems Business, production of assembled products for the 3500 model, a medium-sized clinical analyzer for the Chinese market, will commence at HIS, with the aim of further enhancing competitiveness in the Chinese market, where demand is growing. The 3500 is an automated analyzer capable of running three types of testing simultaneously: clinical chemistry, immunoassay, and blood coagulation. Local production will enable Hitachi High-Tech to manufacture high-quality and cost-competitive products that speedily address the needs of the Chinese market, reagent companies and customers.

The Hitachi High-Tech Group will strive to expand development and production in China and further enhance its ability to deliver IVD solutions to the Chinese market, thereby contributing to healthy, safe, and secure lives while working to create social and environmental value. Going forward, we will quickly grasp our customers’ cutting-edge needs and continue to create high-added-value Focused Solutions in the fields of Bio/Medical and Safety/Security by utilizing “analysis technology”.

Vir: http://www.jcnnewswire.com/pressrelease/66083/3/

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