Jack Dorsey želi, da BTC pomaga pri "svetovnem miru"

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Bitcoin bull Jack Dorsey hopes that bitcoin and cryptocurrency can potentially lead to a world of fewer or maybe even zero conflicts. V nedavnem intervjuju, he stated that he is hoping bitcoin can potentially lead to “world peace.”

Jack Dorsey želi, da BTC prispeva k mirnejšemu planetu

Predsednik uprave Twitterja in Squarea je v nedavnem intervjuju predlagal, da bi lahko moč kriptovalut z zmanjšanjem finančne neenakosti potencialno pripeljala do mirnejšega in manj agresivnega planeta, s čimer bi se lahko regulatorji, politiki in drugi ljudje na svetu osredotočili na večja vprašanja.

Izjavil je:

Upam, da ustvarja svetovni mir ali pomaga ustvarjati svetovni mir. Vse te monopole imamo izven ravnovesja in posameznik nima moči, višina stroškov in motenj, ki prihajajo iz našega denarnega sistema, pa je resnična in odvrača pozornost od večjih težav. Vsa ta moteča stanja, s katerimi se moramo redno spoprijeti, odvzemajo tiste večje cilje, ki vplivajo na vsakega posameznika na tem planetu in vse bolj. Temeljno raven popravite in vse nad njo se tako dramatično izboljša. Dolgoročno bo, vendar upam, da je vsekakor mir.

Dorsey has always been there to push the growing crypto agenda. His payment platform Square was one of the first institutional platforms to invest corporate funds into the digital asset, purchasing približno 50 milijonov USD worth of BTC back in late 2020. This was later followed up by another purchase of around $120 million, bringing the total BTC valuation on the company’s balance sheet to about $170 million, though Square later announced that it would not be purchasing anymore of the digital currency in the future.

There was also a time when Dorsey was playing with the idea of traveling to Africa on a three-to-six-month basis, hoping he could potentially bring bitcoin and its benefits to the people of the continent. However, little information has been divulged regarding these plans, and it is unclear if they were cancelled due to the ongoing pandemija koronavirusa.

Still, Dorsey remains devoted to BTC and has been an advocate for it over the past several years, even going so far as to claim in 2018 that bitcoin would ultimately serve as the world’s predominant valuta.

Popolnoma nov niz izdelkov BTC

Njegovi zadnji komentarji o svetovnem miru so bili na spletni konferenci, imenovani "The B Word", na kateri so sodelovali tudi drugi govorniki in voditelji panog, med njimi Elon Musk iz Tesla in SpaceX in Cathie Wood, izvršna direktorica Ark Invest.

Not long ago, Dorsey furthered his bitcoin plans ko je napovedal that Square was working on a whole new line of bitcoin-based products and services, though at press time, the company has not divulged specific details regarding what these services and tools will include.

Tags: , , Vir: https://www.livebitcoinnews.com/jack-dorsey-hopes-btc-contributes-to-world-peace/

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