Indija in Kitajska sta že leta vpeti v napeto mejno soočenje

New Delhi: Zunanji minister S. Jaishankar je v petek dejal, da odnosi med Indijo in Kitajsko niso normalni in ne morejo biti normalni, dokler ni miru in spokojnosti na spornih mejnih območjih med državama.

"India-China relations are not normal and cannot be normal if peace and tranquillity in border areas are disturbed," Mr Jaishankar was quoted as saying by news agency PTI after a meeting of foreign ministers of the member nations of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Goa.

V četrtek je gospod Jaishankar svojemu kitajskemu kolegu, državnemu svetniku in zunanjemu ministru Qin Gangu poudaril nujnost rešitve mejnega spora na vzhodnem Ladakhu ter ohranjanja miru in spokojnosti vzdolž črte dejanskega nadzora (LAC) za normalizacijo dvostranskih odnosov med Indija in Kitajska.

Zunanja ministra sta se ob robu vrha ŠOS sestala skoraj eno uro v letovišču Taj Exotica v Goi. V tvitu je gospod Jaishankar dejal, da je bila razprava osredotočena na reševanje odprtih vprašanj in zagotavljanje miru in tišine na obmejnih območjih.

Pogovor med voditeljema je bil osredotočen na mejni spor, gospod Jaishankar pa si je prizadeval za pravočasno rešitev, poroča tiskovna agencija PTI. Niti indijska niti kitajska stran nista posredovali uradnega odčitavanja sestanka.

"We had a frank discussion about it (the border situation)... We have to take the disengagement process forward," he said at the news conference on Friday.

This marks the second meeting between Mr Jaishankar and Mr Qin in the last two months. The Chinese foreign minister visited India in March to attend a meeting of the G20 foreign ministers. During that visit, Mr Jaishankar informed Mr Qin that the lingering border dispute in eastern Ladakh has caused India-China relations to be "abnormal."

Last week, Indian Defence Minister Rajnath Singh told his Chinese counterpart Li Shangfu that China's violation of existing border agreements had "eroded" the foundation of ties between the two countries. He urged for all frontier issues to be resolved according to existing agreements.

Following a violent clash in the Pangong Lake area in May 2020, tensions between India and China have significantly escalated. Despite disengagement in several areas after a series of military and diplomatic talks, Indian and Chinese troops remain locked in a standoff along the LAC in eastern Ladakh for the past three years. India maintains that the relationship between the two countries should be founded on "three mutuals" - mutual respect, mutual sensitivity, and mutual interests.

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