Kako uporabljati CBD za anksioznost vašega psa – kaj deluje in kaj ne?

Kako uporabljati CBD za anksioznost vašega psa – kaj deluje in kaj ne?

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cbd za anksioznost psa

These days, everyone has heard of CBD, and the statistics are striking: 26% of American adults are using CBD in 2022, meaning that a major percentage of our population is using the substance to help them deal with a variety of issues. Many individuals have found that CBD has helped them in various ways, including helping to reduce anxiety, improving pain, and improving sleep. However, CBD has also proven to be popular for more than humans, and some research indicates that CBD may be helpful for dogs. Just like humans, some have found that CBD can be helpful in reducing their dog's anxiety.

This begs the question: How can you use CBD for your dog's anxiety? There are a few things to keep in mind when considering giving your pasji CBD - let's take a look at some of your options. 

Kaj pravi raziskava

As noted by dog experts - like those at the American Kennel Club - research is still limited on what CBD can do for dogs. However, a limited amount of studies - as well as the anecdotal experiences of many dog owners - have found that CBD can help certain pets recover from a variety of ailments. Owners have found that giving their dogs CBD can reduce anxiety, particularly when they are entering a stressful situation, like being alone or when there is a storm.

To be clear, this experience is anecdotal only, and more research is needed before veterinary medical authorities can come to more definitive conclusions. Furthermore, negative side effects - like changes in liver enzymes and an upset stomach - are possible for dogs who take CBD. However, as the AKC notes, the limited amount of studies conducted have indicated CBD's potential to help dogs with symptoms of arthritis, itchiness, cancer, seizures, and anxiety. As such, there is some evidence to support the idea that CBD can help dogs. 

Pogovorite se s svojim veterinarjem

Ključnega pomena je to: pogovorite se s svojim veterinarjem, preden svojemu psu daste kakršen koli dodatek, in to nedvomno velja, ko gre za CBD. To je tako iz več razlogov. Glavni med njimi: CBD je za pse še relativno nov. Zato je pomembno, da preverite in se prepričate, da ni prišlo do nobene nove raziskave, ki bi lahko povzročila kakršne koli pomisleke o tem, kako se bo pes odzval na CBD.

Poleg tega, ker se raziskave o tem, kako CBD vpliva na pse, nenehno razvijajo, ima vaš veterinar morda nekaj priporočil glede vrst CBD-ja in odmerkov, ki jih lahko daste svojemu ljubljenemu ljubljenčku.

Začnite nizko in počasi

Iskanje pravih navodil za uporabo CBD-ja za vašega psa je lahko težko in zapleteno. Ker je področje tako novo, boste morda imeli več vprašanj o pravilnem načinu uporabe CBD-ja za svojega ljubljenčka. Glavni med njimi: Kako močan odmerek bi morali dati svojemu ljubljenčku? Kako pogosto bi jim ga dali?

The answer to this very important question should come from two sources: Your veterinarian and the CBD product you actually buy. Follow your vet's advice above all else. If your vet isn't sure and notes that it depends on the specific product you can use, your best bet is to start low and slow, just like you would for a human. Pay attention to the instructions of the CBD that you buy and use the lowest possible dosage. Doing so will ensure that you can avoid any potentially problematic side effects. Give the lowest possible dose for a week or so, and monitor your dog for changes in its behavior. If you are not noticing any problematic side effects, slowly increase the dosage until you find your dog is responding. 

The one thing you may want to consider is your dog's size. Larger dogs - just like larger humans - may need a bigger dosage in order to have any impact. You should still err on the side of giving a lower amount, but if you have a larger dog, you may need to give more. Many CBD products will have different dosage requirements depending on the size of the dog, and this makes sense. 

Kupite CBD, pripravljen za hišne ljubljenčke

Na trgu je veliko vrst CBD-ja. Vendar, tako kot pri običajni hrani in dodatkih, obstajajo ključne razlike glede vrste CBD, ki je na voljo za ljudi, in vrste CBD, ki je na voljo za pse. Za svoje hišne ljubljenčke kupujte samo CBD, ki je posebej zasnovan zanje. S tem zagotovite, da svojemu psu daste izdelek, ki ga bo zlahka prebavil in absorbiral. Če je izdelek dobro zasnovan, zagotavlja tudi, da se bo izognil morebitnim škodljivim dodatkom, ki bi jih ljudje morda bolj prenašali.

Preverite potrdilo

Every package of CBD - regardless of if it is made for humans or animals - must come with a Certificate of Authenticity for you to consider buying it. A Certificate of Authenticity is a test that is conducted by a third party. The information on it will reveal the testing results for the particular batch of CBD you are buying. This test will reveal the content of the CBD and its purity. It will also confirm that there are other dangerous contaminants in the CBD. 

Na žalost je ta certifikat absolutno kritičen. Številne študije so potrdile, da nekateri brezvestni prodajalci CBD svojih izdelkov ne označujejo natančno. Potrdilo o pristnosti lahko pomaga odpraviti te pomisleke tako, da zagotovi, da tretja oseba testira CBD. To bi vam moralo omogočiti nakup CBD-ja z mislijo na varnost. 

Kupujte pri uglednem podjetju

Not all CBD companies are created equal. Look for a proven brand such as Eden's Herbals. They carry posebej izdelan CBD za pse. Njihovi izdelki so tako tinkture oz zdravi, kar vam daje prilagodljivost, s katero zagotovite, da svojemu psu daste izdelek CBD, ki vam najbolj ustreza. Ti izdelki imajo tudi jasna navodila o tem, kako najbolje uporabiti vsak izdelek.




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