Kako naredite konopljino olje v Instapot lončku ali počasnem kuhalniku?

Kako naredite konopljino olje v Instapot lončku ali počasnem kuhalniku?

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konopljinega olja v lončku

While there are various ways to make Cannaoil, the crock-pot method is often used for a specific reason – to avoid permeating your kitchen or the entire house with the distinct aroma of cannabis and to simplify the cleanup process. To prevent the hassle of dealing with a messy crock pot that’s a pain to clean and worrying about unintentionally getting the kids stoned during your next pot roast attempt (pun intended), we’ve introduced a mason jar into the equation. Additionally, incorporating a water bath into the crock pot ensures a foolproof approach. Moreover, most crock pots, even in high settings, don’t reach temperatures high enough to risk burning off the precious THC.

Izbira idealnega olja za konopljino olje

Pri izdelavi konopljinega olja lahko uporabimo katero koli vrsto olja, vendar se kakovost med njimi razlikuje. Ekstra deviško oljčno olje izstopa po svojem okusnem profilu in maščobah, ki so zdrave za srce. Čisto oljčno olje se ponaša z višjo točko dimljenja, zaradi česar je primerno za cvrtje, čeprav je manj okusno kot ekstra deviško oljčno olje. Rastlinsko olje je z nevtralnim okusom in visoko stopnjo dimljenja vsestranska izbira. Trenutna norost, kokosovo olje, je kot nalašč za veganom prijazne recepte. Čeprav avokadovo olje morda ni proračunsko najbolj prijazno, ima enake za srce zdrave maščobe kot ekstra deviško oljčno olje in ponuja še eno možnost za visoko stopnjo dima, zaradi česar je primerno za pečenje pri visokih temperaturah. Ekstra deviško oljčno olje je pogosto priporočljivo preprosto zato, ker je na voljo v naši omari in je dosledno najbolj prijetno olje, glede na moje brbončice.

Izbira prave sorte konoplje

Over the past year, we’ve extensively reviewed High-Level Health’s highly acclaimed cannabis flower in our blog, accessible in the news section of this dispensary website. Accumulating a diverse assortment of top-notch marijuana through our numerous reviews, we decided to create a blend of ten different strains for this batch of Cannaoil. Our selection spans from robust Sativas and Indicas to potent CBD strains, ensuring a rich and varied composition for our infusion.  CBD olje prihaja iz konoplje, zato bo konopljino olje vsebovalo THC.

Izdelava konopljinega olja v lončku – Vodnik po korakih

Korak 1 – Priprava Mason Jar

Start by choosing your preferred oil for the infusion; any oil works, but each type has specific attributes. In our case, we opted for Extra Virgin Olive Oil for its unique qualities. Establish a one-to-one ratio of oil to cannabis. For our blend, we used an ounce of premium High-Level Health ground cannabis mixed with one cup of oil. Gently grind the cannabis without overdoing it to avoid complications during the straining process later. One ounce should fill a standard measuring cup. As long as you maintain the one-to-one ratio, you’ll create a potent cannabis-infused oil, assuming your cannabis is potent, to begin with. Adjust the ratio to your liking by adding more cannabis or oil to achieve the desired strength. Combine the konoplje in olja v zidanem kozarcu, in ročno zaprite kozarec tako, da enkrat trdno privijete pokrov.

2. korak – ustanovitev Crock-Pot

Carefully place the sealed mason jar into the crock pot, ensuring it is submerged in a water bath. Fill the crock-pot about ¾ full with water before adding the sealed jar. Cover the crock-pot with its lid, creating a controlled environment for your infusion. Using the crock-pot method offers an advantage over stovetop methods, as you can set it to medium or high without the risk of THC burning off, as most crock-pots don’t reach temperatures as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit. To monitor the temperature, consider placing a wireless thermometer in the bottom of the crock-pot water bath, ensuring a careful watch to prevent overheating and potential loss of THC from your high-grade marijuana investment.

3. korak – nežno kuhajte konopljo pri nizkih temperaturah in rignite

In this recipe, we’re simultaneously completing the decarboxylation process while infusing the oil with cannabis. Decarboxylation is crucial for activating delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical responsible for the intoxicating, psychoactive effects we all appreciate. While pre-decarboxylating in the oven can expedite the process, it comes with the drawback of potentially creating odors in your home. The crock-pot method, on the other hand, allows for precise heat control throughout, simplifying the process similar to slow-cooking a pot roast. Most slow cookers don’t reach temperatures high enough to boil water (212 degrees Fahrenheit), well below the 400 degrees that can compromise THC effectiveness.

Temperaturo vodne kopeli vzdržujte med 175 in 210 stopinjami in mešanico konoplje in olja kuhajte štiri do šest ur. Da zmanjšate redko možnost povečanja pritiska in morebitne eksplozije kozarca, kozarec v prvih dveh urah enkrat rignite. Odprite pokrov, dobro premešajte zmes in nato ročno zaprite. Preostali čas nadaljujte s kuhanjem. Medtem ko priporočamo skupno šest ur za optimalne rezultate, lahko prenehate po štirih urah za podobne rezultate v časovni stiski.

Korak 4 – Precedite izrabljeni cvet konoplje

After six hours in the water bath, use oven mitts to remove the mason jar and let it cool on the counter for five minutes. Once cool to the touch, cover another mason jar with cheesecloth and pour the oil mixture through it to strain, collecting the spent cannabis flower in the cheesecloth. Don’t discard the spent flower just yet; it can be incorporated into brownies, pesto, ali druge recepte, saj je nekaj THC-ja verjetno še vedno prisotno v porabljenem cvetu.

Korak 5 – Uporaba Cannaoila

Once you’ve successfully strained your Cannaoil, the possibilities for its use are virtually limitless. Simply zamenjajte tradicionalno olje Cannaoil ki jih potrebujete v svojih najljubših receptih pri peki jedi. Na primer, če vaš recept za brownije zahteva dve žlici olja, ga lahko brez težav nadomestite s Cannaoil. Če se vaša začetna serija jedilnih jedi izkaže za preveč močne, razmislite o zamenjavi ene jedilne žlice navadnega olja za naslednjo serijo brownijev in dodajte samo eno jedilno žlico Cannaoila.

It’s crucial to be mindful of potency, which primarily hinges on the strength and freshness of the original cannabis flower. To gauge the strength of your end product, start by testing your edibles in small doses before sharing them with friends to avoid any potential overdosing incidents. Feel free to explore and experiment, incorporating your Cannaoil into various recipes that traditionally use oil. However, be cautious not to exceed the 400-degree Fahrenheit mark during cooking, as surpassing this temperature could result in the loss of THC potency in the oil.

Spodnja črta

Metoda lončenega lonca zagotavlja praktičen in z nadzorovanim vonjem pristop k izdelavi Cannaoil, ki zagotavlja brezhiben postopek infundiranja. Izbira idealnega olja, pri čemer je v tem primeru prednost ekstra deviškemu oljčnemu olju, končnemu izdelku doda dimenzijo okusa. S skrbno izbiro vrst konoplje in uporabo natančnega vodnika po korakih smo začrtali obsežen postopek za ustvarjanje visokokakovostnega olja Cannaoil. Vsestranskost tega prepojenega olja odpira vrata nešteto kulinaričnih možnosti, od peke jedi do eksperimentiranja s tradicionalnimi recepti. Vendar pa je bistvenega pomena biti previden in spremljati temperature, da ohranite moč THC-ja. S pravimi sestavinami, metodami in pozornostjo do podrobnosti, izdelava Cannaoil postane koristno in ustvarjalno kulinarično podvig.




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