Sledite tem 4 taktikam, da zapolnite svetovno vrzel v krožnosti, pravi poročilo | GreenBiz

Sledite tem 4 taktikam, da zapolnite svetovno vrzel v krožnosti, pravi poročilo | GreenBiz

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Ljudje pospešeno požiramo svetovne naravne vire kljub pridobitvam v krožnem gospodarstvu. poročilo fundacije Circle Economy Foundation in Deloitta, released Wednesday. “In just the past six years alone we have consumed over half a trillion tonnes of materials — nearly as much as the entirety of the 20th century,” the report says.

Vendar pa lahko spodbujanje sprememb v treh sektorjih – hrana, grajeno okolje in proizvodnja – zmanjša količino surovin, potrebnih iz narave, za eno tretjino, glede na poročilo neprofitne organizacije Circularity Gap Report za leto 2024.

“Tackling the numerous crises we face will require a fundamental shift in economics: We must go from linear to circular to shape an economic system that operates within planetary boundaries,” Álvaro Conde Soria, a report author and researcher at the Circle Economy Foundation, said via email.

By 2023, the world’s “circularity gap” had risen by 21 percent since 2018 because the consumption of secondary, non-virgin materials dropped from 9.1 percent to 7.2 percent, the Amsterdam-based foundation said. The group’s goal is to double circularity by 2032.

Poročilo o vrzeli v krožnosti 2024

Meanwhile, the linear economy has broken six critical “planetary boundaries”: high rates of greenhouse gases; the acidification of the oceans; pollution by nitrogen compounds; phosphorus emissions; atmospheric aerosol releases; and freshwater and land use, the report said. 

It called for policies that reward circular practices; fiscal policies that reflect the “true prices” of goods, considering their environmental impacts; and training to empower workers in circular skills.

“Businesses, for example, have a key role to play in this transformation — they’ll need to change their operations and adopt circular business models — but for this to happen, we need a genuinely supportive policy environment, pricing that internalizes environmental and social costs and an underlying just transition mindset that leaves no one behind,” Soria said.

The report offered detailed strategies for policymakers and industry leaders to tailor circularity according to the development level of their countries. It grouped countries into three levels of development: industrialized “shift” countries; rapidly developing “grow” countries; or developing “build” ones.

It recommended “radical collaboration” in the following four ways:

1. ‘Shift the goalposts’ away from GDP

Zagotoviti, da materialna gospodarstva podpirajo dobro počutje ljudi, ne da bi pri tem kršili meje naravnih virov, piše v poročilu. Eden od načinov je uporaba kazalnikov, ki presegajo BDP, za merjenje zdravja ljudi in pravičnosti poleg okoljskih in gospodarskih dejavnosti, v skladu s poročilom. Poleg tega določite nove cilje, kot je omejitev porabe materiala in nastajanja odpadkov, dokler njihove ravni ne postanejo trajnostne.

2. ‘Reduce risks for private finance’

Next, leaders must reform the architecture of international finance and trade to enable sustainable development, the report said. “The private sector must be part of the transformation, but reducing risks that attract private finance for development is crucial,” the authors wrote. They advocated for increasing affordable access to circular innovations, such as by offering intellectual property rights waivers. Policy leaders should provide debt relief to free up “build” and “grow” nations to invest in the circular economy transition, the report said.

3. ‘End incentives for damaging industries’

Next, the authors prescribed fiscal reforms to “realign economic incentives with the objectives of the circular economy to ensure that the private sector and financiers drive and accelerate the transition.” This includes redirecting subsidies away from meat, SUVs, fast fashion and air travel, as well as ending incentives for excess consumption by taxing luxury goods to fund public goods such as transportation, parks and healthcare.

4. ‘A New Deal for a just transition’

Finally, businesses, labor unions, lawmakers and policy leaders must collaborate to ensure a just transition for people, according to the report. It advocated for a contemporary New Deal governing economic inequality, infrastructure investment, social welfare and sustainability. Just Transition Funds, such as in the EU and U.S., can support transitioning within or away from extractive industries, according to the report, which also urged companies to invest in reskilling workers with “green” skills.

Štirje tokovi krožnega gospodarstva.

Poročilo je navedlo tudi 12 potencialnih rešitev za podjetja in potrošnike, ki naj bi jih uporabili v treh sektorjih z nesorazmernimi vplivi na okolje.

  • Za prehranske sisteme štiri rešitve vključujejo preusmeritev prehrane z mesa in mlečnih izdelkov; poudarjanje lokalne, sezonske in ekološke hrane; vključevanje regenerativnega kmetijstva; in konec potrate hrane. 
  • Na področju zgradb in infrastrukture štiri politike vključujejo čim boljše izkoriščanje obstoječih struktur; uporaba sekundarnih namesto primarnih materialov; sprejemanje ukrepov za energetsko učinkovitost; in dajanje prednosti krožnim pristopom, kot je modularna konstrukcija, in materialom, kot je obnovljivi les pred jeklom.
  • V proizvodnji predlogi vključujejo učinkovite procese, ki porabijo manj energije in materialov; podaljšanje življenjske dobe opreme in blaga; in zavračanje rednih nadgradenj elektronike in druge opreme.

Deloitte in Fundacija Circle Economy sta prejšnji teden prav tako napovedala, da bosta sodelovala z Gospodarsko svetovanje Circle podjetje, spinoff fundacije leta 2023, za pomoč organizacijam pri pospeševanju strategij krožnega gospodarstva.

“Successfully piloting and scaling circularity requires close coordination across business functions and supply chains,” David Rakowski, partner pri Deloitte UK, je dejal v izjavi.

Petinpetdeset odstotkov velikih podjetij se je zavezalo krožnosti, več kot polovica se jih osredotoča na recikliranje in ravnanje z odpadki namesto na širše priložnosti, glede na Bain & Company poročilo, objavljeno septembra.

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