FASB uvaja nova pravila za kripto računovodstvo

FASB uvaja nova pravila za kripto računovodstvo

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Crypto Accounting Rules | Dec 18, 2023

Freepik crypto accounting - FASB Introduces New Crypto Accounting RulesFreepik crypto accounting - FASB Introduces New Crypto Accounting Rules Slike, ki jih Freepik

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) introduces the first-ever US crypto accounting rules

Previously, without specific US accounting rules for digital currencies, companies treated cryptocurrencies as neopredmetena sredstva. This approach meant recording these assets at the purchase price and marking them down permanently if their value decreased, with gains only recognized upon sale. This method often negatively impacted the earnings of companies heavily invested in cryptocurrencies.

Nova pravila

  • Po novih pravilih, podjetja must record their cryptocurrency holdings at fair value.
    • This method aims to reflect the most current value of these assets, a departure from the outgoing practice that only allowed recording the lowest value.
    • This change is significant for companies holding cryptocurrencies as it allows them to report both the increases and decreases in the value of their holdings, affecting net income.
  • Podjetja bodo need to make a separate entry for crypto assets on their balance sheets in zagotoviti detailed disclosures in their financial statements.
    • Determining the fair value of cryptocurrencies, given their inherent volatility, requires robust valuation methodologies.
    • Companies will need to disclose their valuation methods according to ASC 820.
    • Canadian firms will need to stay abreast of evolving best practices and perhaps develop new tools and frameworks to accurately reflect the value of their digital assets.
  • The rules are set to take effect for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024, which means they will apply from 2025 for companies with a calendar year-end. However, companies have the option to adopt the rules earlier.
  • O new rules have a narrow scope, intentionally excluding non-fungible tokens (NFTs), stablecoins, issuer-created tokens, and wrapped tokens. FASB may consider expanding the scope in the future if these assets become more prevalent in practice.


The crypto industry, including companies like Digitalni maraton and MicroStrategy, has welcomed these rules. Standardized accounting for cryptocurrencies is expected to boost investor confidence and potentially lead to broader adoption of digital currencies.

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - FASB Introduces New Crypto Accounting Rules

NCFA Jan 2018 resize - FASB Introduces New Crypto Accounting RulesO National Crowdfunding & Fintech Association (NCFA Canada) je finančni inovacijski ekosistem, ki zagotavlja izobraževanje, tržno obveščanje, upravljanje industrije, mreženje in možnosti financiranja ter storitve na tisoče članov skupnosti in tesno sodeluje z industrijo, vlado, partnerji in podružnicami, da ustvari živahno in inovativno finančno tehnologijo in financiranje. industriji v Kanadi. Decentraliziran in porazdeljen NCFA sodeluje z globalnimi deležniki ter pomaga inkubirati projekte in naložbe v sektorjih finančne tehnologije, alternativnega financiranja, množičnega financiranja, financiranja enakovrednih, plačil, digitalnih sredstev in žetonov, umetne inteligence, verige blokov, kriptovalut, regtech in insurtech. . pridruži se Kanadska skupnost Fintech & Funding danes BREZPLAČNO! Ali pa postanite prispeva član in dobiš perke. Za več informacij obiščite: www.ncfacanada.org

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