Posvojitev Bitcoin El Salvadorja bo poiskala pomoč pri Srednjeameriški razvojni banki

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The president of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration told a press conference today that the region's most prominent multilateral bank will assist El Salvador in establishing Bitcoin kot zakonito plačilno sredstvo v državi.

Dante Mossi told reporters that the development bank will establish a "technical team" to assist the government of El Salvador. In a message to El Salvador President Nayib Bukele and his government, Mossi said: "We feel very proud that your government's first choice in soliciting help and support with the implementation is the Central American Bank for Economic Integration."

"There is no other country that has adopted Bitcoin as widely as El Salvador has" je dejal Mossi. "This is a challenge that must be taken head on in order to find the best way to protect the user."

Mossi further explained that the bank’s technical team would be made up of its own experts, as well as those from El Salvador's Ministry of Finance and the country's central bank. The development bank plans to assist with project planning and assistance navigating the legal aspects of implementing Bitcoin as El Salvador’s currency.

Trenutno je glavni svetovalni partner Salvadorja razvojna ekipa za Strike denarnica, Ki je Lightning Network denarnica, ki deluje kot posrednik med omrežjem Bitcoin in bančnim sistemom ter uporabnikom omogoča prenos Bitcoinov neposredno na in z njihovih bančnih računov. Salvador namerava ustvariti digitalno denarnico, ki jo sponzorira država, in sklad, da bi prebivalcem zagotovil nemoteno preklapljanje med bitcoinom in dolarji (ali vsaj njegovim ekvivalentom blockchain v Tetherjeva USDT stabilno).

"In terms of the technical assistance provided by the bank, we will be selecting experts in the field who will advise on how to implement such innovative reform, including risk assessment and regulation." je rekel Mossi.

Bitcoin's status as legal tender poses a number of important challenges for the Salvadoran government and for its international relations. In a previous conversation on Prostori Twitter, je predsednik Bukele pojasnil, da se pogovarja z Mednarodnim denarnim skladom, in dejal, da bo moral opraviti veliko razlag o delovanju gospodarstva zdaj, ko je nefiat valuta zakonito plačilno sredstvo v njegovi državi.

Pravni status Bitcoina v drugih državah prav tako dodaja določeno stopnjo zapletenosti finančnim odnosom med Salvadorjem in drugimi državami. Bitcoin navsezadnje velja za blago, digitalno valuto ali celo prepovedano sredstvo za trgovanje, odvisno od države.

Editor's note: This article was updated after publication to provide additional details.

Vir: https://decrypt.co/73567/el-salvador-bitcoin-adoption-central-american-bank-economic-integration

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