Pogovorna umetna inteligenca nam pove, kar želimo slišati – izmišljotina, da je splet zanesljiv in prijazen

Pogovorna umetna inteligenca nam pove, kar želimo slišati – izmišljotina, da je splet zanesljiv in prijazen

Izvorno vozlišče: 1945652

Mnenje Star pregovor pravi: ko se velikani borijo, trpi trava. Nam malim ljudem, ki gledamo, ne preostane drugega, kot da tečemo v zavetje in zgrabimo pokovko.

Dve desetletji sta Microsoft in Google drug drugega obravnavala kot popolnoma nelegitimna. Microsoft si ni nikoli zares opomogel od izgubljene bitke za iskanje, niti od neuspeha Windows Mobile. Google si je želel imeti univerzalni operacijski sistem, vendar mu čudno ni uspelo izkoristiti globalne prevlade Androida zunaj mobilnih naprav. Njihov boj še naprej divja na več frontah: Bing proti Googlovemu iskanju, Azure proti Google Cloudu in tako naprej.

And in an unedifying spectacle of we-got-here-before-you-no-you-didn’t, the two giants of computing have lately been trying to undermine each other’s efforts to launch ‘conversational’ search products, based on Large Language Models (LLM). Google has spent years refining LaMDA – last year it even odpustil zaposlenega ki se je prepričal, da ima LaMDA razumnost – medtem ko je Microsoft bil hranjenje in zalivanje OpenAI in njegov večgeneracijski Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT).

Google likely has more AI PhDs working for it than every other business, combined. During the middle years of the last decade it effectively denuded postgraduate programs in AI throughout the world by hiring entire class cohorts, tasking them with improving the quality of the firm’s search results.

With that kind of brainpower, Google should be the undisputed leader in public-facing AI applications. But of course Google does only a couple of things really well: search, and ad targeting. Both of those need lots of smarts, but they’re well-hidden from the eyes of actual people. As far as Joe Citizen can perceive, those enormous efforts in AI have been entirely frittered away.

To je postalo očitno približno pol ure po OpenAI izdal ChatGPT – its conversational, contextually aware LLM. Almost instinctively, anyone interacting with ChatGPT asked themselves “Why can’t I use this for search?” Its interface seems natural, discursive, friendly, and thoroughly human – precisely the opposite of an ugly page of search results liberally salted with ads and trackers and all that other crap Google finds necessary to insert in order to keep its margins high.

Microsoft je ChatGPT takoj videl kot orožje, ki ga potrebuje za destabilizacijo svojega konkurenta. Redmond je hitro vpisal a več milijard dolarjev vreden investicijski posel z OpenAI in zajamčeno, da bo ChatGPT integriran v celotno zbirko Microsoftovih izdelkov. To ne pomeni le Bing, ampak Office, Github in – zelo verjetno – Windows.

Around this time, Google went “koda rdeča” – whatever that means. It brought Larry and Sergey back on deck, and did whatever it could, as quickly as it could, to integrate its existing wealth of LLMs into the flagship search product.

But it’s looking late in the day for regrets.

Prejšnji teden je Google objavil a poseben dogodek 8. februarja, da razkrije svoje delo na področju umetne inteligence. Kmalu za tem je na splet pricurljal posnetek zaslona ChatGPT, integriranega v Bing. Nato v ponedeljek, 6. februarja, izvršni direktor Alphabet Sundar Pichai je napovedal Bard – Google’s first-generation attempt to integrate LaMDA into its search engine. Microsoft quickly put together a competing event (on February 7, natch) where it revealed its progress integrating ChatGPT into Bing – confirming that leaked screenshot as real.

This may not be the best way to approach a technology as powerful – and as fraught – as conversational, contextually aware LLM AIs. One giant stomps, the other stomps back – and it’s the grass that suffers.

Morda v zadnjih nekaj mesecih sto milijonov ljudi have had a play with ChatGPT, marveling at its power … and its shortcomings. This “stohastična papiga” (a damning but accurate technical assessment) doesn’t understand anything, but only spits out what it rates as most likely to follow on from what has already been communicated. It’s helpful and it’s interesting – but it’s not understanding. And that lack of depth means it has absolutely no common sense.

There’s another old saying: “To err is human, but to really mess things up at scale takes a computer.”

Tako Google kot Microsoft sta obljubila, da bosta njuna iskalna orodja z okusom LLM uporabnikom jasno povedala, da se na te rezultate ne gre zanašati. Toda ti isti podjetji sta porabili desetletja in neštete milijarde dolarjev, da bi nam povedali, da so računalniki naši zaupanja vredni spremljevalci – nikoli ne pozabijo, nikoli ne naredijo napake in omogočajo dostop do bogastva človeškega znanja.

After all of that indoctrination, we have little choice but to trust whatever ChatGPT or LaMDA say to us. To do otherwise means ignoring everything we’ve heard across two generations about what computers promise.

Microsoft in Google sta izboljšala svojo igro z uporabo novih orožij, ki jih nihče popolnoma ne razume – vključno z njimi. Je to pametno? Je sploh varno? ChatGPT bi verjetno rekel da, vendar ima lasten interes.

Pogovorne umetne inteligence so odlične pri tem, da nam povedo točno to, kar želimo slišati. Google in Microsoft sta se odločila, da moramo biti uporabniki za njuno preživetje v naslednji generaciji računalništva obdan s sintetičnimi prevaranti, ki nenehno zamenjuje dejstva in fikcijo tako subtilno in tako temeljito, da se resnica izgubi v hrupu in postane skoraj nespoznavna. Podajte pokovko. ®

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