Ali lahko CBD pomaga pri bolečinah? Poskušali smo izvedeti

Ali lahko CBD pomaga pri bolečinah? Poskušali smo izvedeti

Izvorno vozlišče: 2601412

A picture of two packs of CBD patches.
CBD is a real buzz product, but we wanted to know if it could actually help with pain (Picture: Kloris/Getty)

Ta članek vsebuje pridružene povezave. Za nakupe prek ene od teh povezav bomo zaslužili majhno provizijo, vendar to nikoli ne vpliva na mnenja naših strokovnjakov. Izdelke testiramo in pregledamo neodvisno od komercialnih pobud.

CBD has come a long way in recent years, with a whole host of ways to reap its benefits.

As well as sprays, oils, creams, gels and tablets, one method that’s making a lot of noise in the CBD space are pain-relief patches, which people say helps them cope with everything from period pain to the symptoms of menopause.

We even reviewed these CBD patches from Kloris to see whether they helped with the aches and pains associated with PMS.

But can patches really be as effective in easing pain? We chatted with health experts to find out more.

‘People are often sceptical of how great a CBD product that goes onto the skin rather than into the body (like oral drops or capsules) can be. But here’s the first point worth noting – CBD patches are transdermal, not topical,’ Professor Mike Barnes, in association with vitamin and supplement store HapiHemp, nam pove.

‘This means, the CBD actually does go directly into the body through the skin, which allows for direct application to areas you want to give extra attention. Perhaps bad knees, or a dodgy neck!’

Some say it really helps to alleviate period pain (Picture: Kloris)
Some say it really helps to alleviate period pain…

Originalna avtorjeva povezava kliknite tukaj, da preberete celotno zgodbo ..

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