C2A Security za predstavitev revolucionarne avtomobilske kibernetske varnosti DevOps...

C2A Security za predstavitev revolucionarne avtomobilske kibernetske varnosti DevOps…

Izvorno vozlišče: 1867269

Varnost C2A

Z 15-kratno rastjo prodajnega toka v preteklem letu in ustvarjanjem strateških partnerstev z evropskimi, ameriškimi in azijskimi proizvajalci originalne opreme in prvovrstnimi dobavitelji se je nagrajena rešitev C2A Security izkazala za nujnost za prihodnost globalnega ekosistema električnih vozil.

Varnost C2A, vodilni ponudnik avtomatiziranih rešitev kibernetske varnosti za povezana, avtonomna in električna vozila, bo predstavil svoj vodilni izdelek, EVSec, na sejmu Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023), ki bo potekal v Las Vegasu od 5. do 8. januarja 2023. Inovativna avtomatizirana platforma DevOps za kibernetsko varnost EVSec pomaga strankam in partnerjem C2A Security, vključno s Thundersoft, NTT Data, Marelli, MIH in drugimi, upravljati programsko opremo v velikem obsegu.

As electric and software-defined vehicles become more popular on the roads, governments are instituting regulations, and OEMs, tier-1, and tier-2 suppliers are seeking ways to keep up with this new, ever-evolving industry landscape. C2A Security’s EVSec - Cybersecurity DevOps platform - was built to automate the compliance process for current and emerging cybersecurity standards and regulations. EVSec enables developers to focus on innovation and enhancements, such as new products and features, so automotive companies can stay competitive and provide more business value to the end customer while getting built-in, efficient, and streamlined cybersecurity at scale.

Z avtomobilskimi predpisi v Evropi in ZDA, ki spodbujajo rast prodaje električnih vozil v prihodnosti, so kibernetske grožnje neizogibne, zaradi česar je rešitev C2A EVSec ključna za ohranjanje varnosti ne le voznikov, ampak tudi kritične infrastrukture. Z 15-kratno rastjo prodajnega toka v preteklem letu in ustvarjanjem strateških partnerstev z evropskimi, ameriškimi in azijskimi proizvajalci originalne opreme in prvovrstnimi dobavitelji se je nagrajena rešitev C2A Security izkazala za nujnost za prihodnost globalnega ekosistema električnih vozil.

Partnerji vključujejo:

thundersoft- C2A provides the necessary tools for OEMs and suppliers in China to enable the development of intelligent connected and electric vehicles and to effectively identify and respond to cyberattacks and provide full lifecycle security protection for the automotive industry.

"We have deeply felt the growth of the intelligent connected vehicle business and cybersecurity is an indispensable part of the intelligent connected vehicle," says Wenguang Wu, Executive President of ThunderSoft. "The cooperation with C2A Security provides cybersecurity solutions for the whole lifecycle of connected vehicles in China. We look forward to expanding the cooperation globally and bringing the vehicle industry to a safer future."

NTT Data Corporation - A Japanese multinational player in the field of IT services: C2A Security’s EVSec platform will be sold globally by NTT DATA and is the first platform selected to be incorporated in the new Global Automotive Security Test Center of NTT Data.
“We want to apply our expertise in cybersecurity to the connected car sector, thanks to our global Automotive Security Test Center and to our collaboration with C2A Security, NTT DATA will be an international reference point to protect connected cars from cyber-attacks and ensure the drivers' safety,” said Marco Garelli, Head of Automotive at NTT DATA Italy.

Marelli - C2A Security’s joint project with Marelli, a leading global Tier-1using EVSEC Attacker, intelligent system level, and security validation tool to shift left the system validation process using the information from the target to support more targeted, faster, and result-oriented testing which leads to smart and efficient validation.
»Fuzz testiranje z rešitvijo C2A omogoča zgodnje odkrivanje ranljivosti in s tem skrajša čas, potreben za dostavo programske opreme in izdelkov,« je dejal Cosimo Senni Guidotti Magnani, višji vodja kibernetske varnosti povezanih vozil pri Marelli.

MIH Consortium - C2A Security is the ambassador of the Konzorcij MIH, ki ga je ustanovil Foxconn Z zmago na izzivih zagonskih podjetij MIH in izkazovanjem močne usklajenosti z odprto in agnostično platformo MIH, ki jo je zgradil MIH, je C2A uradni član MIH in prispeva k temu, da kibernetska varnost postane polna komponenta projektov MIH.
»C2A Security deli isto vizijo kot MIH, saj ponuja celovit in celosten pristop k avtomobilski kibernetski varnosti v celotnem življenjskem ciklu,« je povedal Jack Cheng, izvršni direktor konzorcija MIH.

Na CES izvršna ekipa C2A načrtuje sestanke in predstavitve EVSec v hotelu Westgate, da bi predstavila rešitev in vrednost, ki jo nudi svojim strankam.

O varnosti C2A
C2A provides automated cybersecurity solutions to enable the connected, autonomous, and electric mobility revolution. C2A Security's flagship product EVSec is a Cybersecurity DevOps platform, helping automotive companies remain competitive and provide more business value in the software-defined vehicle era, supporting the security lifecycle from development to operations and back and automating the process of complying with cybersecurity standards and regulations. Using EVSec, C2A’s customers get efficient and streamlined cybersecurity, managing software at scale while overcoming the shortage of professional cyber experts, reducing costs and time to deployment.

Kontakt za medije
Shahni Ben-Haim

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