Plačilna platforma B2B Paytently se premakne iz prikrite

Plačilna platforma B2B Paytently se premakne iz prikrite

Izvorno vozlišče: 2628287

Paytently, platforma za orkestracijo plačil B2B, ki so jo ustanovili strokovnjaki iz industrije iz Merill Lynch,, Trustly in TrueLayer, se je premaknila iz prikrite platforme.

The company’s AI-driven platform streamlines transactions by intelligently routing them to the ideal acquirer, offering local acquiring in more than 35 markets with over 50 payment connections worldwide.

Paket pokriva celoten življenjski cikel potreb trgovcev, vključno s podporo za obdelavo in izdajo kartic, alternativne načine plačila, Iban in FX usmerjanje, POS terminale in zunanje inženirske možnosti.

Ponudba vključuje tudi mehanizem za tveganje, ki je zasnovan za zaščito podjetij pred povratnimi bremenitvami in goljufijami.

Samuel Barrett, Paytently CEO, says the company’s approach balances boutique appeal with the capabilities of a major player in the payments industry.

“We couldn’t be more excited to launch Paytently, a solution that not only stands out in the crowd but takes the hassle out of payments,” he says. “Our seasoned team knows the ins and outs of the industry’s needs and we are fully committed to ensuring this cutting-edge platform is a perfect fit.”

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