Vse, kar morate vedeti o MLB The Show 21

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MLB The Show 21 is barreling towards the title's release date, and the tensions is hitting a boiling point for one of the top sports titles of 2021.

Here's everything you need to know about MLB The Show 21 including release date, platforms, prednaročilo, In še več.

Latest - Best Diamond Choice Pack Players

MLB The Show 21 isn't far away, and players who pre order will get one or two of the Diamond Choice Pack, depending on which edition they purchased.

It'll be an early decision for players as far as who is best to add to their Diamond Dynasty team from the outset, but we're here to help with that.

Five of the ten available players have been revealed so far, with five more to come, and we've got the details on all of them and which look like the best picks for your Diamond Dynasty in MLB The Show 21.

PREBERI VEČ: Kdo je najboljši igralec v vašem Diamond Choice Pack?

MLB The Show 21 Datum izdaje

MLB Pokaži 21 datum izdaje je zdaj potrjen, z zagonom igre Torek, 20. april 2021.

Zgodnji dostop naj bi bil na voljo tudi od Petek, april 16, 2021.

Ker se sezona lige MLB začne marca, je oddaja The Show 21 nekoliko poznejša kot običajno, kar je verjetno posledica trenutne svetovne pandemije.

Naslovna zvezda

MLB The Show 21's cover star was an interesting debate, but it's all been put to rest, as young superstar Fernando Tatis Jr. has been selected as the man on the box!

MLB The Show 21 Cover Star
CENTER STAGE: Tatis Jr got the nod as this year's Cover Athlete

Tatis Jr. je zdaj najmlajši igralec, ki si je prislužil mesto na naslovnici MLB The Show.

Baseball legend Jackie Robinson has also been picked, and he'll grace the cover of each of the game's Collector's Editions.

PREBERI VEČ: MLB The Show 21 ima dve veliki uspešnici na naslovnici


MLB The Show 21 bo imel več napovednikov pred dnevom predstavitve in prvi je končno prišel!

You can watch the reveal trailer below:

This initial trailer made big reveals including release date, cover star, and more, but it was only a taste of what was to come.

We've also gotten multiple previews through various gameplay trailers, and now are set for some major Feature Reveals heading into release day.

PREBERI VEČ: MLB The Show 21 is building the hype with these trailers


Igre MLB The Show so že leta ekskluzivno blago za PlayStation.

Vse je kazalo na to, da MLB The Show 21 ostaja ekskluziva za PlayStation, zlasti potem, ko so bile različice PlayStation ocenjene v Braziliji.

Letos se stvari spreminjajo, z Oddaja 21 potrjena za Xbox.

PREBERI VEČ: Pinpoint Pitching in PAR pripravljeni narediti vtis v oddaji

Vse doslej potrjene konzole so PS4, PS5, Xbox One in Xbox Series X | S.

Obstajajo govorice o a Različica Nintendo Switch po Nintendo America se je odzval na izjavo MLB o prihodnosti njihovih iger na drugih konzolah.

As for PC players - things remain in the balance, but there is no novica o PC različici zaenkrat še.

Cena in prednaročila

The Standard Edition of MLB The Show 21 costs $59.99 for PS4 and Xbox One, and it's $69.99 for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Prednaročila so zdaj na voljo, o katerem lahko več informacij najdete tukaj, predhodni prenosi pa so na voljo celo za konzole Xbox.

TAKE YOUR PICK - Are you lucky enough to get hold of MLB The Show on PS5?

Podrobnosti so bile potrjene tudi za Jackie Robinson Edition in Digital Deluxe Edition.

MLB the Show 21's Jackie Robinson Edition will cost $84.99, and the more extensive Digital Deluxe Edition will cost $99.99.

Za podrobnosti o vseh različne izdaje in kaj vsebujejo, pojdite tukaj.

Naslednji gen

MLB The Show 20 came out before the next gen console craze, and while it's playable via backwards compatibility, the game wasn't designed specifically for next gen.

MLB The Show 21 naslednja generacija PS5 Xbox Series X
VELIKE NADGRADNJE: Next Gen je pomenil vse za druge nedavne športne naslove in to bo velika stvar za MLB The Show 21

This is a rarity in the sports game franchise world, with only NHL 21 following suit as a game designed for current gen consoles instead of next gen's PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Pričakujemo, da se bo to spremenilo in bo MLB The Show 21 zasnovan posebej za konzole naslednje generacije.

PREBERI VEČ: MLB The Show 21 is looking to deliver on New Features

To bi moralo pomeniti ogromen preskok za MLB The Show 21 v grafiki, hitrosti nalaganja in funkcijah igranja z napredkom strojne opreme PS5 in Xbox Series X.

Še vedno je treba videti, ali bo dražja različica naslednje generacije imela ekskluzivno vsebino, kot je NBA 2K21, s podatki o igranju in načinih igre, ki jih San Diego Studios še vedno skriva.

Načini igre

Pričakujemo, da bo MLB The Show 21 predstavil nekaj najbolj priljubljenih načinov igre v seriji.

Ti načini igre vključujejo Pot do predstave (RTTS), Diamantna dinastijain Franšizni način.

Nove funkcije

We've got some of them detailed below, but you can tukaj preberite več o novih funkcijah v MLB The Show 21.

Prve razkrite funkcije

Prve funkcije za igro so bile razkrite na spletu.

Serija kratkih videoposnetkov še naprej pada, ki opisujejo nova področja igre.

Prvo razkritje nam je dalo več informacij o tehničnem preizkusu, prvi priložnosti, ki jo bodo imeli nekateri srečni igralci, da preizkusijo novo igro.

Preberite več o tem najprej razkrij tukaj.

Diamond Dynasty prestopa s Road to the Show

A nova funkcija MLB The Show 21 že povzroča odmev in je še ena prva v seriji.

V MLB The Show 21 boste lahko pripeljali svojega Ballplayerja iz Road to the Show (RTTS) v Diamond Dynasty in pridobili XP, medtem ko sestavljate svojo sanjsko ekipo.

You can watch the announcement video from Sony's San Diego Studio below:

Vir: https://realsport101.com/mlb-the-show/mlb-the-show-21-release-date-delays-trailer-gameplay-next-gen-pre-order-download-patch-xbox-series- x-ps5/

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