
Fortune objavi svoj najbolj odvraten članek o bitcoinih doslej. Evo zakaj.

Just when you thought Fortune couldn’t sink any lower with their Bitcoin slander, the publication tries to relate a neutral technology to “alt-right"In"beli nadvladi.” Is this what journalism has devolved into? Unfortunately, in the case of Fortune, the answer is yes. This is not the first time they have used their publication as a weapon. They’ve tried to slander Bitcoin numerous times before, and there’s a concrete reason for that.

Sorodno branje | Sprejetje bitcoinov in kripto se bo leta 880 zvišalo za 2021%, kar je tisto, kar vodi

Before we get into that, let’s make one thing clear: Bitcoin is for everyone. That includes your enemies and the people you consider more dangerous and disgusting. In turn, that guarantees that the people who in your opinion are doing the most courageous and dangerous work can use it too. 

One of the many Bitcoin value propositions is that it’s anti-censorship money. To be able to achieve that, it’s totally transparent, all the transactions are out in the open in a public and immutable ledger. That is a first in human history. And most of the information in Fortuneov odvraten in propagandni članek, Chainalysis took it from that very same ledger. Even with that obvious fact written all over the piece, the authors try to frame it like Bitcoin is the problem here.

Obratno je, problem so avtorji in pomanjkanje novinarske etike. Ko nekdo napiše uspešnico v korist drugim podjetjem lastnika publikacije, ves svet izgubi. In zaradi tega so vsi novinarji videti slabi.

Kaj članek o sreči pravzaprav pove?

In general, they try to associate the Bitcoin name with the worst actors in society. To do that, the authors mention that those members of “skrajna desnica"In"beli nadvladi” use Bitcoin and have benefited from the increases in price. And then proceed to write about their actions and print the most disgusting quotes you’ll find in a Bitcoin article. You’ll have to go there to get a full picture, Bitcoinist wouldn’t publish anything like that. We will, however, quote and refute the few instances they actually talk about Bitcoin.

Osrednji lik članka je Andrew Anglin, ustanovitelj neke izjemno rasistične publikacije.

»Anglin je le en zelo javen primer, kako radikalno desni provokatorji zbirajo znatne količine denarja po vsem svetu s kriptovalutami. Prepovedane s strani tradicionalnih finančnih institucij so se zatekle v digitalne valute, ki jih uporabljajo na vse bolj skrivnostne načine, da bi se izognile nadzoru bank, regulatorjev in sodišč. "

Razen če Anglin živi v Salvadorju, mora te donacije še vedno zamenjati v fiat valuto. Ali za to še vedno uporablja banke in stare storitve? Je to lahko priznanje, da politike KYC in AML niso problem za slabe akterje in vplivajo le na državljane, ki spoštujejo zakone? Sliši se kot tisti "banke, regulatorji in sodišča”Ne opravljajo svojega dela pravilno.   

Fortune to v bistvu priznava, pravijo, da Anglin "dolguje več kot 18 milijonov dolarjev pravnih sodb v Združenih državah ljudem, ki so jih on in njegovi privrženci nadlegovali in jim grozili."Vendar"V ZDA nima očitnih bančnih računov ali nepremičnin,” so they haven’t been able to seize his fortune. Is this Bitcoin’s fault? No. Bitcoin doesn’t care. Anglin’s Bitcoin address is public and obvious, and the source for this article.

How Do The Authors Relate Bitcoin To Bad Actors?

“In his “Retard’s Guide to Using Bitcoin,” published in April 2020, he claimed to have funded the Daily Stormer exclusively through Bitcoin for four years.
"Zdaj imam denar. Imam denar za plačilo spletnega mesta v bližnji prihodnosti. "

Again, Bitcoin doesn’t care about this. And these kinds of publications existed way before Bitcoin, how did they fund them then? The fact that Anglin is using a new technology that’s available for every single person on the planet doesn’t mean much. Does he also use e-mail? The Internet, maybe? He’s probably also using shoes. Are shoes a problem?

“Richard Spencer, an American white supremacist, has dubbed Bitcoin the “currency of the alt-right.”

So what? Are we taking what American white supremacists say seriously now? Bitcoin is for everyone. Especially for all the people Richard Spencer probably hates.

“What is clear is that early adopters of Bitcoin, like Anglin, have profited handsomely from its increase in value over the years. Bitcoin prices are notoriously volatile. Since April, the currency has shed a third of its value against the U.S. dollar, then took a further drubbing last week when China declared cryptocurrency transactions illegal.”

Počakaj, kaj? Zakaj bi opozarjali na nedavno nazadovanje trga, če bi poskušali poudariti, da Anglin "veliko zaslužil?«Ali ni tukaj Fortune v nasprotju? Ja, avtorji si nasprotujejo. Vendar to ni pomembno, saj je to uspešnica in samo ta odstavek to dokazuje.

Grafikon cen BTCUSD za 09. 30. 2021 - TradingView

Grafikon cen BTC za 09. 30. 2021 na Timexu. Vir: BTC/USD vklopljeno

Chainalysis vstopi v sliko

“Chainalysis collected data for a sample of 12 far-right entities in the U.S. and Europe that publicly called for Bitcoin donations and showed significant activity. Together, they took in 213 Bitcoin — worth more than $9 million at today’s value — between January 2017 and April 2021.”

First of all, Fortune knows this because of Bitcoin’s transparency. The law knows this and they can do something about it. Second, all those organizations still need to exchange that Bitcoin into fiat currencies. How are they doing it? Why aren’t the authorities stopping them?

Then, Fortune changes its tune and says that those organizations are now using Monero. However, since it’s Bitcoin they’re trying to smear, the authors quickly bring it back and relate a story of a wealthy donor that, upon his death, left all his Bitcoin to some of those extreme organizations.

“Bachelier’s money slipped quietly into the U.S., not triggering alerts it might have had it landed via traditional banking channels. That’s because much of it — notably the Bitcoin donation to Fuentes, then worth $250,000 — passed through accounts that were not hosted by regulated cryptocurrency exchanges, according to Chainalysis.”

Mogoče tako, vendar ga morajo še vedno zamenjati v fiat. Nato Fortune poskuša spremeniti temo in reče:denarnice s kriptovalutami so lahko tudi "brez gostovanja", kar pomeni, da uporabniki sami nadzorujejo dostop.”Morda je tako, vendar so vse te transakcije še vedno vidne v verigi blokov. Za vedno. Pravzaprav je to edini razlog, zakaj Fortune ve za "Bachelierjev denar.”In še vedno ga morajo zamenjati v fiat. 

Look, you get the point. We’re running in circles here. Let’s cut to the chase and reveal the reason for this article and all of the many other Bitcoin hit pieces Fortune has published.

Why Is Fortune Trying To Slander Bitcoin In Such An Obvious Way?

To avoid Bitcoinist’s biases, citirajmo Yahoo! Finance:

»Zagon finančne tehnologije, ki ga je soustanovil lastnik revije Fortune, namerava s prevzemi razširiti doseg svoje platforme za nakazila v jugovzhodni Aziji.
Lightnet, ki svojo storitev, ki temelji na verigi blokov, opisuje kot hitrejšo in cenejšo v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi bankami. "

Ja, mogoče je "hitrejši in cenejši v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi bankami,” but not compared to the Lightning Network’s almost free, instant transactions. Bitcoin is a direct competitor of Lightnet. A superior competitor. What does this “lastnik revije Fortune”So zapustili vso etiko in svojo publikacijo uporabili kot orožje?

Sorodno branje | Človek, ki je odložil trdi disk, ki vsebuje 381 milijonov dolarjev BTC, dobiva rezervo za varovanje pred tveganjem za obnovitev trdega diska

"Lightnet s sedežem v Bangkoku prvotno cilja na milijone delavcev migrantov, ki nimajo dovolj bank, v jugovzhodni Aziji, trg nakazil pa ocenjuje na 150 milijard dolarjev."

We already know what El Salvador’s Bitcoin law bo storil Western Unionu in podobnim, s katerimi lahko konkurira Lightnet Lightning Network in zdaj celo Twitter? Verjetno ne. In zato je Fortune tako nizko potonil.

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