Хотели бы вы кинематографическую вселенную Nintendo?

Хотели бы вы кинематографическую вселенную Nintendo?

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Regardless of your personal opinion on The Super Mario Bros. Movie, it’s safe to say it’s been a massive success. Last week, it was named the highest grossing film of 2023 so far and the самая крупная адаптация видеоигр всех времен, which isn’t bad going!

We’ve already speculated где может пойти следующая часть фильмов о Марио, but given how well the mustachioed man’s debut on the silver screen has gone, it wouldn’t be surprising if more than one of these theories turns out to be correct down the line.

There’s plenty of material within the Mario universe for the movies to cover, but what about a Nintendo Cinematic Universe? There’s already been plenty of Pokémon movies, both animated and live-action (well, just the one in the latter department до сих пор).

Трейлер фильма Super Mario Bros.

Возможно, мог бы быть фильм о том, как Самус сражается с Космическими Пиратами. Или фильм Animal Crossing, где мы узнаем о происхождении разногласий между Томом Нуком и Реддом. Черт возьми, я бы посмотрел фильм, в котором Кирби просто отправляется в милое приключение с Уоддл Ди в течение 90 минут (режим «глоток» был бы желателен, но не обязателен).

Now, while it’s not exactly prime for plotlines, the meeting of Nintendo franchises within the Super Smash Bros. series is the perfect kind of gathering we need for an Avengers-style team. The SSB games even have single-player modes with cutscenes and plot. How anyone can top hp_hollowtones‘ genius script for Варио в Subspace Emissary хотя это выше моего понимания.

Is the Nintendo catalogue not “serious” enough for a cinematic universe? Or maybe you think it’d work because of how lighthearted it is? Do you love or hate the idea of Mario, Link and Zelda teaming up to defeat Bowser and Ganondorf? Let us know your thoughts! Would you like a Nintendo Cinematic Universe?

(And Nintendo, if you’re here, I think you should make a movie about Kirby and Ditto becoming friends and accidentally wrecking havoc across Popstar Planet and Kanto, and it’s up to Captain Olimar and his Pikmin to save the day and restore order. DM me and we can work something out.)

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