Особенности, формы и функции, которые скоро могут появиться в носимых устройствах #WearableWednesday

Особенности, формы и функции, которые скоро могут появиться в носимых устройствах #WearableWednesday

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Forbes asked 15 tech execs to look into their crystal balls and tell the future of wearables. A lot of the innovations predicted are headed towards health and wellness. Maybe the coolest – AR Overlay

I think the exciting new feature that consumers can look forward to in the near future is augmented reality. It involves the overlay of digital content on top of the physical world and can be used to create a number of exciting new applications for wearable devices, such as enhancing your workout with real-time feedback on your performance, helping you find and purchase new items in stores and more. – Sandro Shubladze, Datamam

Больше от Forbes:

Wearable tech has seen steady growth in adoption in recent years, but when most people think of wearables, they think only of smartwatches and fitness trackers. However, with the ongoing addition of new capabilities and products—from glasses to headsets to clothing—wearable tech may soon take its place alongside—perhaps even surpass—the smartphone as must-have, everyday tech. Below, 15 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss some new features, forms and functions that may soon be coming to wearable tech that consumers should know about.

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